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--Siddharth POV--

I reach home with an exhausted sigh, I loosen up my tie and open the door. 

Vaish: Sidd, welcome home.

I just hum in response because I never really thought of this place like home, the only reason I don't just jump off a cliff already is because of Bhai and bhabhi. 

Vaish: You must be hungry Sidd, I made ur favorite halwa puri

To be honest, I don't really feel hungry......but it looks like di made it with so much love for me and after all the last person's heart I want to break is Vaish di's, she and bhai are the only people in this world who genuinely care about me. I sit on the table and bhai follows and takes a seat beside me while bhabhi takes a seat infront of bhai.

Abhi: So Sidd?

I had food in my mouth so I just humed in response

Abhi: I have been thinking.....you have no one to take care of you/

Sidd: what do you mean? I have you and Vaish di, who else would I possibly need?

Abhi: Yes you have us and we will be there for you whenever but, I dont know how to say this......

Vaish: What Abhi is trying to say that....you should get married and make a family, a family to support you.

I chocked on my food at that.......it reminded me of Avu. I wondered what would have happened me and Avu got married? what would our family be like? I quickly got out of those thoughts and stood up from my seat.

Sidd: Please, I cant you 2 are my only family I cant and won't let anyone else in. Di, thank you for the food, it was amazing but please no one mention this marriage thing to me again.

I went towards my room and got changed out of my suit. I sat on my bed with a sigh with my head in my hands. I wish i could forget about Avu.....but maybe bhai and Vaish di are right, maybe if i get married I can start a new life...the life I wanted to spend with Avu but maybe this marriage can make me forget about her. I rushed downstairs to bhai and bhabhi and said...........

Sidd: Bhai, Vaish di...........Im ready to get married.

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