Off the Rails (5x08)

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Eric P.O.V

I was so wrong about the blood. We were high as shite. Russell was disguised as we headed to Bourbon Street. The trashy street was fun as every sound was heightened. Of course, the gorging on an engagement party. But the fleeting images of Godric's disapproval spoiled the mood. Although, he did help sober me up as we headed back. Unfortunately, I was the only one who seemed to be clear-headed. 

Everyone was hollering & dancing in a haze. Russell was enjoying a poor lapdance from Steve. Bill was standing around. Salome straddled Nora on a reception armchair. I headed for Bill & spun him around.

"What the hell just happened?!" I growled

"We saw her. She appeared to us. We saw Lilith." Bill smiled

"Yeah, I saw something." I muttered

"We were in the presence of god." Bill preached

"We were high as fucking kites." I snapped 

My talk seemed to get through to Bill. I was glad he had some sense. He stuck to me as we watched everyone else revel in their delirium. Now we just had to wait it out. It took a few hours before everyone got their heads back. We gathered in the central chamber & found a seat on the couches. 

"We witnessed a miracle tonight." Salome said as she & Nora stared at the ceiling

"We saw God. And she smiled upon us." She agreed, kicking off affirmations from everyone

"1st, may I say, God has the most beautiful pair of tits I've ever seen." Russell crudely chuckled, entertaining everyone but Salome

"Now, I have never been called devout. But, watching Lilith shoot out of a blood pool while I sucked down a bride to the dullest screams of you light up my life. Well, praise Lilith! Praise Jesus! Praise Moses's cock. I am born again!" Russell exclaimed

"Amen, me too." Steve creepily agreed

"For the 1st time in a decade, I ate a child! I took his life inside of me & it was right." Baby eater happily yelled

"Yes, this was a sign. Roman's death has been sanctioned by God. And we are on the right path." Nora crazily suggested

"Yes, and now we can move forward with a clean conscience." Salome spearheaded as she walked behind Nora

"We have a lot of work ahead. We're going to need food." She smirked

"So Steve, have the guards procure a few dozen humans before daybreak. Just put them in the holding cells." She ordered

Steve eagerly went off to do it. Russell caught his beads as they lingered.

"I need a baby!" the doc reminded

"Lilith wants me to eat a baby." He justified

"And a baby for Nigel." Salome appeased. With everyone's orders in. Steve went off to deliver. 

"I think I've had enough fun for 1 night." I said, ruining everyone's jovial mood

"Coming?" I asked Bill

Everyone was glaring at us but switched to him. I was out for going to ground. It was clear, they wanted to carry on the bloodshed. 

"Yes, good thinking." Bill agreed, walking out with me

It was good to know I wasn't alone in this nuthouse. We needed to get out of here soon. I just didn't know how without an army. 

Maria P.O.V

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