F***K the Authority (5x12)

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Eric P.O.V

After killing Russell, I felt weird. It was odd to have such a large chapter of my life closed. I didn't regret anything. I was happy I killed the bastard. My family didn't deserve to be massacred. I was elated to finally ease their souls.

I was also happy to have made it in time to help Maria. I knew Russell was a flea to her. But with those massive werewolves, I think she would've been distracted. I knew she would beat herself up if anything happened to her siblings. Luckily, the worst never happened.

Our little talk after the fight helped ease my nerves. She was unharmed which was unsurprising. I was shocked at how powerful she was. I didn't know about that bat form. It made me wonder how many new abilities I had now. But, I had to save that talk for another time. She needed to check on her family & I needed to see Pam. 

 We flew to Fangtasia. But, we had to be careful with humans hunting vampires. The flight gave us plenty of time to talk. We started with the obvious question: the massive werewolves. I shared what I pieced together from Maria's family. They were ancient werewolves called Lycans. Vampires & they had been at war since their creation. But, I felt there was more to these vague details. 

I assured Nora we would be safe. Maria wouldn't overlook this surprise attack. She was probably investigating how they found her. But, I opened myself to a perfect segway about us. Nora teased me mercilessly due to the slight awkward tension. I had the pleasure of recalling everything including our break-up.

She was surprised about everything. But, she was happy to be fille din on my sudden change. She warned of the Authority's small interest in finding Ancient Vampires. She was thrilled to know they were real. But, she assured me no one believed it beyond rumours. She wouldn't spill to other vampires either. I was relieved as I didn't want to break Maria's trust. With Maria's identity settled, I explained the fairies as we landed.

"How could I live this long & not encounter a fairy?!" Nora giddily replied as I unlocked the door

"Because the only thing you ever cared about was rising up the ranks of the authority. Overachiever." I teased back as she looked around. I was a little uneasy as Pam was nowhere in sight or was audible.

"Well, somebody had to do something to make Father proud." She snapped back

"It must kill you that he loved me more." I taunted

"Kills me that you think he did." She chuckled. I had a snarky retort up my sleeve until Tara burst in.

"They got Pam." She said

I got annoyed that the worst happened. But, I started thinking up a plan. It was crazy but I wasn't going to let her rot. Nora was against it as she didn't want to go back to the Authority. She was worried Salome was suspicious of her. But, I swore to protect her against any harm. I doubt Salome could stand a chance now. Besides, I owed Bill a rescue after failing the 1st time.

She begrudgingly helped me pack up. I had stored spare cash in the basement walls. We gathered enough cases to discreetly hide the pile elsewhere. She made her annoyance at my crazy plan known. But, I ignored it since it was her way of venting. Tara readied our travel coffins. I had plenty of cars to use to help us travel around. With everything ready, we headed to Sookie's for help. Maria would definitely tip the odds in our favour.

Luckily, she was still home. The 3 of them were in the living room. They were talking about his injury. Maria & Sook were worried for him. He seemed to be hallucinating his dead parents. They definitely had every reason to worry about his state of mind. Maria was looking at his head when I came in.

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