Trouble Magnets (3x04-3x05)

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Maria/ Tes P.O.V

Our trip to Jackson started off with immediate drama. Alcide got us into the werebar so we could listen in. I was nervous the entire time as Sook boasted about vampires. Her dangerous trick paid off & caught the attention of one wolf. He dragged her into a backroom & tried to rape her. Luckily, Alcide burst in before anything could happen.

He fought off her potential rapist, saving me from outing myself. But, the were was on V & overpowered him. The fight was broken up by the owner & we quickly left. We returned to his place so we could tend his wounds. Sookie handed me the first aid kit as I patched up his back.

"Don't take it personally. The were you were fighting had V in him." She consoled him

"Bill's. We know it's pretty strong." I added as I finished cleaning his back

"Were's doing V. It stands against everything we stand for. The rest of the pack into that shit?" He sneered

"The ones who took Bill at least." Sook answered as I swabbed with rubbing alcohol

"Like I need more reasons to hate em." He laughed before hissing in pain

"Sorry." I slightly laughed before giving him small break before the next swab

"Is Debbie your ex-girlfriend?" Sook asked

"Ex-fiance. She moved out a month ago." He sadly answered

"A month? And you still haven't got new furniture?" Sook poked

"Haven't gotten around to it." He replied

"You ever hear from her?" I asked

"My sister Janice does. She has a beauty parlour. She still goes in to get her hair done." He answered as I applied a bit more pressure to his shoulder bites

"I'm sorry. That has to be rough." I mumbled as my free hand consoled him with a light shoulder squeeze

"Thanks." He replied as he caught my hand

"Almost done." I mumbled as our eyes locked

I could still see a hint of the were in those deep dark brown eyes of his. I couldn't help but get drawn in & did fight back against the pull. Luckily, our trance was broken by Sook's phone.

She quickly answered it & raced to the window for better reception. We watched her reactions for the other half of the conversation. But, I could hear Bill on the other end.

I barely held back my rage as he broke her heart again. He was calling her a distraction & play toy for this century. At the end of his cruel tirade, he asked us to not follow him to his "home". Before he could hang up, I snatched the phone.

"Listen here you undead fuck wad. You damn well know I heard every word of your pathetic breakup. Don't try to hang up on me without hearing my last parting wish." I grinned

"When I find you, I am going to enjoy making you my personal puppet, courtesy of one of your arms. Believe me, I will enjoy this little act until it gets old. By then, I'll get some more use out of you as were pup food, pound by pound." I growled before ending the call

"You get mad often?" Alcide asked

"Occasionally when the time calls for it." I snapped

"I'll keep that in mind to not piss you off." He mumbled

"Thanks. For once, I'm grateful for your handiness with violence." Sook croaked before bursting into tears

The rest of the night was spent consoling Sook. My undershirt was soaked with her tears. Alcide kept us company. His were warmth helped soothe her into sleep. I was grateful for that & got a few hours of sleep in. But, I still tossed around in my sleep. It bugged me that Eric wasn't pestering me. This was the one time I wouldn't mind his nagging. If he was staying silent, I couldn't imagine what trouble he was in. Hopefully, whatever he was in wouldn't stop him from helping us if things got worse.

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