Chapter 31: "I Would Never Lie To You"

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The next morning...

Tweet: This Needs To Be Fixed...

"Jaden? Jaden? Jaden?!" I wandered The Smith's, looking for J, after Trey let me in. We needed to straighten things out, now. I entered his room, still looking back, though. Then when I turned... boom! I looked up quickly, and saw that I had bumped right into J.

"Jaden, I was just looking for you!"

"Angel, I was just about to go looking for you!" We said, eagerly, at the exact same time.

"What? You were looking for me? I was looking me for you!" We exclaimed, in unison again. "Alright, stop, stop, stop." I said, with a small smile. "I was looking for you to come talk to you." "Yeah, me too." "I heard your song." "You did?" I nodded. "Well good. 'Cause Angel, I swear to god I didn't cheat!! I love you. I would never want to hurt you." He said this with so much emotion in his eyes. "Then why were you kissing another girl right in front of me?" I asked with hurt in my voice.

Stas' POV:

The entire squad and I, crept up behind J's door. We even brought Amandla too. We began to listen to Jaden and Angelina's conversation. Luckily, they didn't notice us peeking through the crack. This is bad. Very bad, I thought.

Jaden's POV:

"She kissed me first!" I urged. Angelina crossed her arms. "And, why should I believe you?" "Because you love me. I know you still do." I lowered my voice. She looked all around, impatiently. "Yes J, of course, I still love you. But, I really don't think you're being completely honest with me about what happened." I stared deep into his eyes, with a frown. "You cheated on me." She looked like she was about to shed tears. "No, I did not, Angel, I promise! Amandla just came to me and started flirting with me. Then, she just randomly kissed me out of nowhere!"

Stas' POV:

We continued to listen. "They're fighting because of us." I whispered, frowning. "Man, I feel hella bad now." Matéo said, sadly. "Why did we do this?" Kendall whispered, making a sad expression too. "They've both, been going through a rough time because of us." Moi added. "I told you guys we shouldn't have went through with this." Hailey mentioned, shaking her head and frowning at the floor. We all looked so guilty and crushed.

Angel's POV:

"Oh come on!" I said with my hands on my hips, clearly not buying it. "I'm telling you the truth! You know I'm not a cheater! Why are you so hung up on this?" "You're a famous rapper. You're filthy rich. And you can get like any bitch you want." My face was serious. "But I want you!" "How do I know you're not lying?" I snapped. Suddenly, the door busted open, and too our surprise, it was our squad. We turned to them, in alarm. "Because we broke y'all up!" Stas admitted. "Huh?" J and I asked in unison, with very confused expressions. "Yeah, they hired me to kiss Jaden, knowing that you'd be right there to see it." Amandla confessed, in guilt. "What?" I asked softly, but with much hurt in my voice. "But we are embarrassed and sorry for setting y'all up like that." Jordyn added. "Why would you guys do that??" J demanded. "Because we let our jealousy get the best of us." Willow put in. "Yeah, Angel, you were just spending way too much time with J that we missed you. You never really hung out with us anymore. You even missed my beach party to go to Hershey Park with J, instead." Telana added. "And J, you never even chill with your boys anymore." Moi added. "You let a girl come between that." I glared at him. "You guys are pathetic." "But now we know that our plan was stupid and immature." Stas said, quickly. We never meant to hurt you guys." Another dead silence. J and I just stared at each other in amazement, and then back to them. "H-how could you guys do this to us??" J asked, angrily. "Do you realize how much depression you put me through the past few weeks?!" "Yeah, me too!" This was the first time I've ever seen him this angry. But I was pretty freakin' pissed off as well. "We know, we just----" Stas began. "---- I couldn't even sleep knowing that the best relationship I've ever had was ruined!" J continued with a harsh tone. Awwwh... I thought. I gave him a warm smile. Then, I turned back to the rest with an angry expression. "Y'all are so selfish!" I added. "You couldn't just let me and J date because you wanted us for yourselves!" They made guilty faces. "You know, if you really had a problem, you should've just came and talked to us." J snapped. "We're sorry guys! We really are!" Stas urged. "No, I dont wanna hear that shit." I snapped, waving my hand in the air. "Angel..." Willow pleaded. "Just get the hell out of here." I said, in disgust. "What?" Jordyn asked, in disbelief. "GET OUT! ALL OF YOU!" I screamed. They all made hurt faces. But deep down inside, I was hurt the most. They slowly, made their way out, one by one, looking back to see if I changed my mind. But I didn't. When they finally shut the door behind them, I looked up at J. "Wow... I guess you really didn't cheat on me after all." I concluded, in guilt. "Yeah, see? I told you. I would never do that to you. You're my baby." I looked all around with a guilty expression. "I'm sorry." I said, truthfully. "I should've trusted you." "Hey, it's okay." He replied, softly, as he put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Just believe me when I say that I'll never lie to you. You can trust me, I swear." "I believe you." I replied, sincerely, as I gave him a warm grin. "Oh, by the way... you wrote a song for me. That's literally like the sweetest thing any guy has ever done for me." I got closer to him and put my hands on his chest. "So thank you." I planted a kiss on his cheek. J blushed. "Anything for you, babe. Man, I am so happy that we are back together. I honestly don't know what I would do without you, babe." "Me neither." Suddenly, he pulled me closer and started kissing all up on my neck. I moaned and began to rub his shoulders. Then his lips met mine, and he kissed me hard, and grabbed my butt. He lifted me up and we fell on his bed. Then, we started pulling each other's clothes off.

After the sex, we just layed there and cuddled. I leaned in to his ear and whispered, "I love you." He smiled big, then whispered, "I love you more."

Author's Note: Alright guys, so here's the deal. I'm just not really feeling this fanfic anymore. When I first started it on IG, I absolutely loved it. But now its starting to sort of feel like a job. I don't fangirl over Jaden as much as I used too. I'm just simply bored in this fandom. I'm really sorry. So I'm going end this fanfic earlier than I hoped. With probably one or two more chapters. Again, I am sorry. Thanks to those of you who are actually reading my stories, I Love You ❤ :)

Jaden & Angel: A Jaden Smith FanficWhere stories live. Discover now