Chapter 40

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Karthik was waiting at the airport anxiously sipping his 3rd cup of  frappuccino. Finally what seemed like ages, flight landed and Arjun came out. 

"What is so important matter you wanted to discuss that you came all the way here without even taking rest Arjun?" Karthik asked not even bothering to say hi.

"Can we at least get to car before we discuss?" Arjun smiled understanding Karthik's anxiety.

"I'm waiting here for the past 1 hour and this is my 3rd" Karthik said showing his frappuccino. " Imagine my desperation yaar" Karthik smiled sheepishly. 

"Wow ! so Karthik can be anxious too" Arjun teased

"Jokes aside, lets get into the car" Karthik said walking towards the parking lot. Arjun grabbed Mocha on the way.

They both sat in silence . Arjun, not knowing how to open up the issue and Karthik eagerly waiting to hear some explanation.

When Arjun didn't speak up for a long time, Karthik asked " Are you waiting for some auspicious time "

"Hmm.... Karthik, what do you say if I tell .... I don't want to take any legal action against Mehta's company but sue the start up rival company" Arjun hesitated

"What?" Karthik choked the drink not believing his ears. "Arjun never forgives backstabbing and betrayal. I have known him for more than 10 years. He always make sure them get punished severely. He can ruin Mehtas and since his dad is senator it would affect political career too . What is holding Arjun? " Karthik was immersed in thoughts when they reached his home.

Karthik's dad was waiting in the lawn. As soon as the car stopped Arjun ran to him and took his blessings and said "  You look like Karthik's younger brother". How can you get hospitalized?" Arjun joked

"What to do Arjun ? I'm feeling bored . Asked karthik to get married and give me grandchildren but he said I'm not old enough to become grandparent. So I decided if I fall sick and look old he would grant my wish" Karthik's dad joked.

"Don't worry uncle, I will give you lot of grandchildren. It is hopeless to expect from him. " Arjun said

"Arjun, you are hopeless, not me. I had 3 girlfriends in my life. You had none. You didn't even look at girls, chased them away whenever someone tries. I thought you would become saint "Karthik got back at Arjun.

"I will get married before you" noooo "me" nooo "me" both of them started fighting like kids.

"Ok kids ,first you grow up then think about marriage and children. Before that have some breakfast " Karthik's dad laughed

They all went inside and wished Karthik's mom and had a wonderful family breakfast .

Karthik excused and took Arjun to beach to get all the answers for the questions troubling him.

They parked the car and walked in the beach. 

"Karthik, I know you are waiting to know why don't want to punish Mehtas." Karthik nodded

"I preponed our demo to Monday. All our investors are more than happy as already the rumor of the our stolen software is spread. After releasing it, I need a favor from you Karthik" Arjun hesitated.

"Just ask me Arjun, you know i would do anything for you " Karthik said

"Hmm.... Can you talk to.....hmm... Rohan ? Actually threaten him" Arjun couldn't continue as he thought he is being selfish and coward.

"Arjun, I don't understand" Karthik said after few minutes when Arjun didn't say anything.

"I have all the proofs that  Mehta's company is the one involved in the fraud. Can you show them to Rohan and threaten that we would drop the charges and don't take any legal action if......" Arjun couldn't say a word after that and just looked at the ocean. He was so ashamed of himself for letting a fraud walk free but he had to do this.

"Arjun, I don't judge you. I know how you can't tolerate injustice. If you are letting Rohan getaway with this, It had to be very important. "

"Threaten Rohan that If he would never ever bother Neha, we won't press the charges" Arjun said  looking down embarrassed to look into Karthik's eyes.

Karthik was shocked beyond belief. He is happy that they could protect Neha from the pervert but why would Arjun do this for Neha. How come he knew Rohan troubling Neha so much. Why do he care  so much for a girl he just met that he put his pride aside? 

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