Chapter 41

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"Who is Neha to you Arjun" Karthik questioned

"I love her " Arjun confessed calmly

"What? but you just met her . How is it possible that you love her deeply? Don't tell me love at first sight? you are not that kind " Karthik expressed his shock. He already knew they have some deep connection, still couldn't believe his ears.

"I have known her all my life. She is always in my mind and I realized my love for her 6 years ago. I missed her so much. Iam so happy to see her after all these years" Arjun confessed

"You mean she is your uncle's daughter Sweety"

Arjun nodded.

6 years back karthik knew what happened. He even teased Arjun for missing Sweety after all the time hating her. He knew aunty severed all the relations with Sweety's family. He asked Arjun few times if he could contact Sweety but Arjun was so sad everytime he asked so he stopped asking. Karthik never thought he love her so much and didn't forget all these years. After all Arjun hated her for long.

"Why are you acting like a stranger to her. Why didn't you express your love after holding it for this long?" Karthik asked

"I treated her very badly all her life and was nice to her for just 3 days. She gave me her phone number 6 years back. I couldn't call her as I lost my phone. She would be hating me even worse forgot me. Why would she love me? She is being nice to me as your friend. What if she stops talking to me if I express my love? I cant bear to loose her again" Arjun expressed his fear.

Karthik couldn't control his laughter. 

"I'm seriously telling my problem and you are laughing at me" Arjun accused

"I'm sorry but I didn't know you have this coward and love angle in you. The mighty roar Arjun is scared of expressing his love! Wow!  Never thought I would hear "fear " from you.

Arjun didn't know what to say.

"Seriously Arjun, are you blind not to see her love. I saw both of you together only for few minutes but  could clearly see love for each other the first time in the airport itself but I thought its my imagination. Then when I saw both of you lost in each others eyes , then arguing like lovers in the video conference yesterday, I was sure there is something."

"Then she called me this morning crying, your phone was switched off, she went all the way to my apartment to check on you. She was scared beyond belief . Her words clearly expressed how much she loves you." Karthik explained

"Did she say she loves me? " Arjun asked eagerly

"No Arjun but trust me she loves you so much. I know her for 6 months " Karthik tried to assure Arjun

"What did she tell "Still Arjun doubted.

"Karthik, Arjun is missing. His phone is switched off . Did he leave to India? I'm scared Karthik? What if something happened to him? How can I live without him? "These were her exact words and she was sobbing uncontrollably , Karthik said

"Really? Really Karthik? She said that?" Arjun couldn't believe. His happiness knew no bounds

"Yes, those were her exact words but let me remind you she is very angry and upset with you for coming here without even informing her.

"After finding about Rohan, I thought to ask your help to help Neha. Last night she was upset about him. I felt he troubles her a lot. That was all in my mind . Didn't think about anything else"

"How can I live without him" words echoed in his ears. All these years he was scared that she hates him. " I can make up to her for not informing" Arjun thought to himself smiling

Karthik was happy beyond words. He always wished to have a sister and get her married to Arjun. He feels Neha as his own sister and they both are in love and would get married. What else can he ask for?

Suddenly he remembered his argument with Arjun that he would get married and have children first. "I should find my girl, marry and have children before Arjun" he thought to himself

"Not happening" Arjun said smiling

"What" Karthik shouted not understanding. Did I say it aloud he thought to himself

"I know you are thinking about getting married and have children first" "I said not happening for that" "I'm having kids first" said Arjun

"If you knock down my sister before marriage , I'm going to kill you. Don't you dare to lay a finger on her" Karthik threatened.

"ooooo Brother-in- law, I'm scared" Arjun teased

They both laughed don't know for how long

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