First Night

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Arjun's POV (Flashback)

Sweety stood nervously

I went to her and took her hand. Made her sit on bed, kept milk glass on nightstand. I sat down on my knees at her legs

Took her both hands in mine. Her palms are sweaty and cold like mine

"Why are you nervous, it's just me, your Arjun"

"I don't know why" her voice sounded nervous 

"We spent many nights alone, even yesterday we slept in each other's arms. Nothing changed between us"

She nodded looking down

"Remember last time you came to India, that night you slept on my bed holding my hand, morning I woke up feeling your breath on my neck. I was scared you would yell at me. You surprised by asking if I hurt my neck.

Next day you asked me why do I hate you. When I thought about it, I realized how wonderful you are. I was angry at myself for being rude to you.

I cursed myself after seeing your behavior with Radha (maid). You were always like that, treated everyone with love, never showed off your wealth. 

That night we both slept in reclining sofa. Morning I woke up seeing your beautiful face on my chest. The first thought I got was 'I could wake up everyday next to you, seeing your beautiful face'

"Really, you were sleeping when I woke up" she said 

"I pretended seeing you open eyes. Thought you would lock yourself if you see me awake and us in that position" 

She smiled 

Then we both made tea. When I held you from back while teaching to turn on stove, my heart raced and I sweated. I wanted to hug you, kiss you. I never felt that way before. I forgot how to make tea, thought I should look for YouTube videos" I laughed saying that

She joined me

"I too felt different when you held me. I felt good, didn't want you to leave me. My brain didn't register anything you said about making tea" she blushed 

"I saw how affected you"

"Then I had to send you away because of that bastard. It was so hard. All my life I wanted to chase you away. Finally when I wanted you to never leave me, I had to send you away. Irony.

I saw the hurt in your eyes when I insisted you to go. I felt your pain but couldn't do anything. You came back after sometime and asked "You said, you wouldn't send me if there is any other way. Do you really mean it"

That moment I saw love in your eyes

I don't know what came over me, I hugged you tightly. Thought you would push me away but you hugged me back. I wanted that moment to never end

I realized my love for you when I said "I mean it"

I couldn't stay in that house alone without you. Immediately I joined my friends in Munnar. I lost my phone that night. I went crazy looking for it.  Karthik understood I fell in love with you.

Then misunderstandings happened, mom severed ties with your family. I missed you so much. It was like hell. I'm madly in love with you, don't have a way to contact you. Thought you would be angry with me for not calling you and no way you would love me

"Arjun, I didn't understand my feelings for you at that time. I didn't want to be away from you. I missed you so much. It hurt like hell when I knew aunt severed all the ties and I would never see you. Slowly I realized I'm in love with you. I was surprised when I realized. How could I fall in love with a man who troubled me all my life and was nice just for 3 days?

It didn't make any sense. Then I thought about our relation. You hated but I always liked you, your nature. I wanted to be with you play with you as a kid but you always made me cry. Even then I never wanted to stay away from you" she said emotionally 

"I'm sorry Sweety, I was a fool"

"I almost got heart attack seeing karthik hug you at airport. I breathed after he said you are like his sister"

Sweety laughed

"Arjun" she called my name showing her bangles. They are the ones I gifted her 6 years back. I held her hands and kissed bangles. She treasured them all these years. They are just glass ones, fragile. I noticed the bracelet I gifted when she moved her bangles.

"I kept these bangles in transparent box and sleep keeping next to me whenever I'm sad or missed you so much which happened a lot. I was scared that they will break, so I never took them out. 

Mom was angry seeing this bracelet since she thought aunt gave. I wear it when I wear long sleeves to hide.

I got up kissed Sweety passionately on her lips to show the love I have been holding for long. I kissed her till I was out of air.

That's when I realized she didn't kiss me back. What did I do? How could I kiss her without her permission. We both are married, that doesn't mean I own her. 

I immediately got up and turned away not able to look in her eyes

"What happened Arjun"

"I'm sorry, I kissed you without your permission"

She stood in front of me holding my hands

"I'm yours, why do you need permission to kiss me"

"You didn't kiss me back, so I thought you were angry"

"I was shocked when you kissed suddenly, it's my first kiss, didn't know how to respond. I don't even know why I freeze, It's our first night....." she said shyly

" If you are not comfortable I wouldn't touch you just because it's our first night. I can wait forever "

"Arjun, I want to be yours in every way, make me yours. I don't want to wait" she said kissing my lips for the first time 

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