Chapter 26

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Arjun and Neha walked out of air port in silence .

" You wait here . I will go get the car " Neha said . Arjun nodded

Neha came with latest model Audi Q7 and helped Arjun load the luggage in the car . They both sat in silence while Neha drove the car  . ' If I had called her 6 years back , maybe we both could have been friends or more . Only if I didn't loose my phone or things were ok between families . Should I tell her that I lost my phone and couldn't get number from mom . Maybe it is too late . What if she hates me . If I open up maybe she wouldn't even talk to me . Now she is at least talking formally as Karthik's friend ' Arjun's mind flooded with these thoughts while he closed his eyes in frustration .

" Arjun , Arjun " he opened his eyes when he heard his name and looked at Neha

" Don't sleep . Now the local time is afternoon 2 . Please try to keep yourselves awake  5 more hours otherwise it will be hard to get rid of jet log . Sleep through the night and you will get used to this time zone " Neha said 

" Lets talk  so that you don't sleep " Neha said 

" You have nice car " Arjun said

" This is Karthik's . My car is in the parking . Your luggage don't fit in my car so I got Karthik's " Neha said

 " Did you finish your college ? " Arjun asked

" I'm in final semester , in 6 months I will graduate . Tell me about yourself " Neha asked 

" I live with my mom dad and brother . My brother married 5 years back . He is a surgeon and my sister -in-law is gynecologist .  Dad took retirement so I took over his business " Arjun said

" Your brother married ? " Neha asked surprised and hurt that she was not even informed 

Arjun understood her thoughts and said " They both fell in love during college . Unlike movies both families agreed  without any drama . They both are happy couple " they both laughed 

" I'm happy for your brother " Neha said happily 

They both reached Karthik's apartment . It is two bedroom apartment .

"The left one on the stairs is Karthik's bedroom , use the one on the right . Fresh up , we will go out for lunch " Neha said 

Arjun opened his bag and gave one box to Neha saying " My mom made these sweets . You can eat while I take shower " . He went upstairs . Arjun knows how much Sweety loves his mom's sweets . 

' I love him but he doesn't . I lived these 6 years with his memories of those 3 days . Arjun is being nice with me as Kartik's friend . I can live all my life this way . I cannot take it if he hates me . Maybe we both can start our relation fresh " Neha thought while eating and Arjun thought similarly while taking shower .

" I'm ready , lets go eat something . I'm damn hungry " Arjun said while coming downstairs

" Lets go " Neha said

Arjun walked to Karthik's black Audi Q7 .

" We can go in my car " Neha said standing next to her Ferrari

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