Chapter 38

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Precap ( 7 months back )

Arjun found that Mehta company is most likely to be responsible for the problem in Arjun and Karthik's company .

" What ? Mehta company ? " Karthik and Neha shouted

" Why are you both shocked ?" Arjun asked

" It belongs to Rohan , I just mentioned " Neha replied angrily

It is Arjun's turn to get shocked . 

" Mr.Mehta  is close friends with your dad and Neha's mom . Why would they do this " Arjun questioned 

" Rohan is the CEO of Mehta group of industries now . It is most unlikely that Rohan would do that . He is intelligent and extremely  and upright when it comes to business.   His pride would never let him to claim someone else's product as his . Moreover if he wants to destroy someone's company he would do it publicly to show off and make others fear him " Neha said

" Last night you said you cant stand him even for a single second , here you are praising him " Arjun said burning with jealousy 

" I agree he is womanizer and playboy but I don't doubt his intelligence and character in business " Neha defended herself

Karthik was surprised to hear them argue. 'They met yesterday. They look like knew each other for a very long time. Impossible' Karthik thought to himself

" Ok. Anyway I don't know him to judge and I said 90% probability that the culprit is Mehta company not 100% " Arjun muttered through his teeth

" Our problem is solved , we can give the demo as scheduled . We can think of the culprit later " Karthik said to relieve the tensed atmosphere

" Take Arjun around the city this weekend Neha since there is nothing to worry about the company's problem " Karthik said

" Sure " Neha said

Karthik disconnected the call saying bye to them and thought something is really going on between these two.

Neha asked Arjun to wrap the work as the problem is solved but Arjun was hellbent on finding  the culprit. He is sure its Rohan. But when Neha said she is tired and wants to take rest , he closed his work and went with her thinking he would work later tonight.

They both walked out of the office and sat in the car in silence. Arjun is fuming inside about Neha praising Rohan and Neha is sad that they both had argued. 

"I love Arjun so much and I'm on cloud 9 seeing him after 6 years. Why the hell I took Rohan's side and angered Arjun. I can't bear his silence and anger. I will apologize to him right away " Neha thought to herself

"Arjun" Neha called in soft tone. Arjun looked at her. 

"I'm really sorry . I didn't mean to offend you. It just came out of my mouth, don't know what I was thinking " she blurted out not knowing what else to say to calm down Arjun 

Hearing her Arjun's anger vanished and thought " she simply said what she knew about him . There is no hint that she likes him. I met her after 6 years. I love her so much and its my fault that I lost phone and couldn't contact her. I'm acting like  a stranger to her instead of explaining the past.'Coward'he scolded himself. I need to make up not break up with her" and made up his mind not to argue with her ever

"Its not your fault. I over reacted. I'm sorry. Let's not talk about it and be friends " saying that Arjun extended his hand. Neha took his hand and said "friends" smiling

Both of them thought its not just friendship but love they are longing from each other

They had beautiful evening together talking random things and had dinner. But they couldn't muster the courage to express their love. Later Neha had to leave after getting call from her mom.

Arjun sat for hours trying to find the culprit. He was so happy to find it was Rohan and called Karthik immediately.

Karthik was in deep sleep when his phone rang. He looked at the time. It was midnight and took the call thinking its urgent.

"Hi ! Arjun. Everything ok"

"I found the culprit. Its Rohan " said Arjun excitedly

"What? That's good yaar. But why are you working till now. Its 3 in the morning for you. " 

" I couldn't sleep till I found. Now I can sleep peacefully. I want to come there tomorrow. Want to check if its ok with you" said Arjun

"I would be more than happy. Even dad would be glad to see you. But you just came , thought you need some rest" replied Karthik

"I want to talk to you something important. It would be better if we talk in person" said Arjun

" Ok.See you tomorrow then. I will book the ticket and send you the details" said Karthik

" I already booked and emailed you the itenery " said Arjun

Karthik said ok and disconnected the call saying goodnight.

Arjun was too excited to sleep and it's already past 3am and he has to leave to airport by 5am.Karthik couldn't sleep because of too many questions in his mind.

" Why is Arjun so happy that its Rohan and why he want to see me right away? Arjun can't stand betrayal and backstabbing. I'm sure he thought of some big punishment to Rohan. He wanted to come and discuss with me and proceed immediately. That's why he is coming " Karthik thought 

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