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Arjun's POV (Present)

"What the hell are you blabbering Arjun? Sweety attempted suicide twice and is on antidepressants" Ravi shouted

"She was Ravi" 

Ravi held my collar "you left her even after knowing she was suicidal. How can you be so heartless Arjun? What if she killed herself?" Ravi seemed beyond anger. His anger is justified 

"I took promise from her to never do that" 

We heard the doorbell ring. I looked at the watch, it's quarter to 3. Who could be at this hour. We went downstairs, I opened the door, it's Karthi. He punched in the stomach as soon as he saw me. I held my stomach in pain. It's hurting like hell. I can feel how much he is angry with me

"Is this new way of greeting friends. I'm glad I didn't open the door" Ravi said  smiling 

"Sorry Ravi, I didn't see you. Sorry to disturb at this hour. I came without even informing" Karthi blabbered not not knowing what to say

"So you are here to stop my idiotic brother's wedding" 

"How do you know" Karthi asked 

"Are you hungry?" Ravi asked 

"It's been days that I ate food properly, yes I'm hungry but how do you know why I came?"

"Let's take some food to terrace and talk there so that no one will be disturbed" I suggested 

Ravi went to kitchen and got homemade snacks and sweets. Karthi loves them. He started eating 

We went to terrace. Karthi kept giving me angry stares

"What's happening here Ravi" Karthi asked 

"We got to know about Arjun's marriage with Sweety. We canceled his engagement and planing to get Arjun and Sweety married officially with her parents consent" Ravi said 

"Thank god! I was worried all the way how to tell and convince you all. How did you come to know?" Karthi asked 

"Sweety is here for her friend's engagement" Ravi said 

"Yeah I know, Siri. Haven't met but heard so much about her" Karthi said 

"She was my fiancé" i said 

"What? You mean she is your sister in law's sister? Wow! World is really tiny, not even small" Karthi said smiling 

"Sweety is pregnant" 

"What?" Karthi shouted 

"Can you listen without interrupting with your 'WHAT' I said 

"How can I man, you are giving me shock after shock" Karthi complained. Guess he cooled down after knowing things are ok now

"I asked Siri about Sweety's husband. She had no idea. She got pics from Emily. We were shocked to see Arjun in her wedding pics. So we made them meet to find the truth. Both of them acted like strangers. Finally I had to badmouth about my Sweety to get this idiot's confession" Ram summarized

"So, Neha is here and everyone is ok with it right" Karthi asked excitedly 

"Everyone but Sweety. She has no idea that we all know about our marriage and pregnancy. She is under lot of stress. She thinks only I know about her pregnancy but don't know about father" Ram said smiling 

"Wow! So much happened. I'm so happy. Congratulations Arjun" Karthi said 

"Double congratulations, no triple congratulations" I said


"I asked you to stop 'WHAT'. I'm going to get married and Sweety is pregnant with twins" 

"So you won the bet, becoming father soon" Karthi said smiling 

"Now I can eat and sleep peacefully" Karthi sighed

"Arjun was telling me what happened in US, he said........ Hmm.... Sweety attempted suicide. What happened?" Ravi asked 

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