Happy Ending

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Neha's POV 

Siri is engaged to Rohan. It's shocking to everyone. We went to Siri's home in the evening of the day mom came to India. Rohan came with Siri and said they both are engaged showing their rings.

Rohan came to India to stop Arjun's marriage. He came to know I married Arjun and Arjun is marrying someone else again. He really care for me. I misunderstood him. 

He met Siri not knowing she was Arjun's fiancé. He was looking for Siri's address, Siri didn't tell she is the one. She purposely took him around Hyderabad on the pretext of showing address to know his intentions. She liked him knowing why he came here, also she heard from Karthik, Rohan is very good person. She proposed Rohan and he accepted immediately. It seems it was love at first sight for him and he really liked Siri after spending few hours with her.

Rohan never loved me, it was the promise he made to mom to look after me. I apologized Rohan and asked him to forgive me and be my friend. 

I got married to Arjun in the farmhouse with our families, Karthik's family and Rohan. Mom was ok if dad would come to my marriage but none of us wanted. 

Few weeks after my marriage Rohan and Siri got married. She went to New York . Rohan promised that he would divide his time between India and New York. 

I asked mom to shift to India. Arjun said, "don't force attha, we would stay in New York for six months and India six months"

Even aunt and uncle was ok with that but mom said "I would eventually move to India, Arjun and Neha can go and look after my company when needed"

We were all happy

I told mom about Siri and Arjun, she was shocked at first but didn't react as we were scared. Maybe because everything is fine now and she trust that everyone in my in laws family love me so much.

My pregnancy went smoothly, I never cried all these months. Everyone pampers me. Megha started to go to hospital after I was adamant that I wouldn't let any other gynecologist check me. She had no other choice.

 My water broke one week before due, I was eating black forest cake, suddenly I felt pain in my abdomen. Then water broke, I screamed my lungs out. Everyone was there in front of me in no time. Even mom is here.

I was rushed to hospital. Megha said "normal delivery is not possible, I need to do cesarean". 

I was scared but Megha assured me everything is fine. I was given epidural and was half conscious during the whole time. 

Cry of my babies made fully conscious. I couldn't see my babies fully. Both of them has jet black thick hair.I was scared when the nurse was cutting baby's umbilical cord. 

I barely the nurses cleaning my babies and wrapping them in towel.

Megha came to me

"Congratulations, it's a boy and a girl. You did well. Are you ready to hold them" she said smiling 

"Who was born first?' I asked 

"Boy, girl is 10 min younger" she said 

"Can you please call Ravi and Arjun inside" I asked 

"Ok" she said and went out

She came back with Ravi and Arjun. Ravi congratulated me. Arjun kissed my forehead and held my hand

"Are you in pain" he asked 

"I'm fine" 

I asked the nurse to give baby boy to me

"Ravi" I called 

He came to me, I gave him the baby

"Dad has the right to hold the baby first" i said giving him the baby

"Sweety...." he tried to speak 

"He is yours and Megha's" I said looking at Arjun 

"Ravi, we are not giving you because we have twins. Even if we had him alone, we would have given to you. It's Sweety's decision. I couldn't be happier. We both are becoming parents same day. Our kids will grow up together in the same house" Arjun said 

Megha hugged the baby and cried 

"Thank you Neha, thank you Arjun" Ravi said hugging Megha and baby 

Nurse gave baby girl to us. She is xerox copy of Arjun, I complained about it

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