Chapter 13

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Juvia's Pov

Gray and I went to visit his relatives not far from the city of Galuna. We got out from the taxi and arrived at a modern house which looks elegant.

"Wow, this house is so pretty." I said, eyeing the beautiful modern house in front of me.

"Yeah, well my cousin is an engineer and always dream to have a house like this which end up pretty well." Gray stated and hold my hand. "So, let's go?" I nodded my head and Gray press to ring the doorbell.

The front gate slowly opens and revealed a white haired guy who immediately smiled when he saw Gray.

"Look who's here." He spoke and crossed his arms.

"Long time no see, Lyon." Gray said and went to him. Lyon uncrossed his arms and they bro hug. His eyes then went to me.

"This must be your girlfriend that you've been talking about?" He asked, pointing at me.

"Yes, she is. Her name is Juvia." Gray answered and I smiled sweetly at him.

"Nice to finally meet you." I said and went to have a handshake with him.

"Ah yes, the name's Lyon. Nice meeting you too!" and we handshakes. "Let's go inside! the others are waiting."

Then, the three of us entered the house.

Third Person's Pov

"So you guys are going to Tenrou what island?" Lyon asked very confused. They were at the living room with Gray's aunt which is Ultear and his other cousin which is Shelia.

"Yeah, its the sacred place of our school and we wanna go there." Gray answered.

"But you don't know if that island really exist?" Shelia spoke this time.

"Yeah, you're cousin's right Gray. What about your parents? Did they knew about this?" Ultear asked with a stern look.

"About that, actually kinda lied about having a school field trip since one of our friend has its ways when it comes to the school." Gray sheepishly replied.

Ultear was shocked at first but later shook her head in disbelief. "Teenagers these days."

"Please don't tell them!" Gray told his aunt with pleading eyes.

"Don't worry I won't. I don't want to ruin your cute adventure with your friends." Ultear said and sighed.

Gray smiled and thanked her aunt.

"But be careful," Ultear added with concern.

"Don't worry," this time Gray reassured her aunt. "Me, my friends, and my girlfriend had each other. We are in this adventure together." Gray said and hold Juvia's hand.

Ultear noticed this and smiled. "That's good to know, knowing your friends and your pretty girlfriend are trustworthy."

"Of course." Gray said and faced Juvia with a smile.

"Ugh, respect the guy who is single here." Lyon interrupted the moment.

"Tch, jealous much?" Shelia laugh at his cousin.

"Shut up." Lyon replied and crossed his arms.

Juvia giggled at the sight. "You're cousins are funny." she whispered to Gray.

"Totally." Gray replied and smirked.

"Anyways, about the Tenrou island." Ultear spoke, gaining everyone's attention. "That island truly exists."

Both Gray and Juvia widen their eyes upon hearing what Ultear had said. Lyon and Shelia also was shocked.

"How did you know aunt Ultear?" Juvia asked this time, eager to know the reason.

Ultear sighed. "Let's just say I had a friend who lived there."

"And what's the name of your friend?" Lyon asked, looking at his aunt suspiciously.

She smiled. "Zeref."


"I win!" Natsu yelled in victory.

The nalu couple was enjoying their time at the nearest arcade shop. They played the car racing, shooting games, and dance steps. Now, they were currently playing basketball and Natsu also beat the high score.

"Yeah yeah." Lucy muttered and stretched her arms. Tired of shooting the basketball into the hoop and she only gained 26 points.

"Tired?" Natsu asked in concern.

"Kinda but I had fun." Lucy smiled happily.

This made Natsu happy and they decided to leave the arcade and went straight to the Grill restaurant to meet the others since it's almost 7pm.

Arriving at the front of the restaurant, a very familiar voice called the nalu couple.

"Natsu! Lucy!" Both of them tilted their heads to see the person who called them.

"Yo!" Natsu smiled at the Miraxus couple.

"Ohh, where were you and Laxus?" Lucy asked Mira with a smirk.

"Oh, we went to the get massaged." Mira replied, smiling. "It feels good! Anyways, how about you guys?"

"In the arcade, it was fun!" Natsu answered.

"That's good to hear." Laxus responds and the four of them went inside the restaurant.

"Looks like the others aren't here yet." Lucy stated as they sat at their table.

"I'll ask in our group chat." Mira said and went to get her phone from her sling bag.


Mira: Where are you guys? Natsu, Lucy, Laxus, and I are already inside the restaurant.

Laxus: Natsu is now ordering.

Erza: Jellal and are on the way. Natsu, better order me a strawberry cake.

Lucy: He already did.

Levy: Gajeel and I are on the way too.

Mira: Okay! Where's the Gruvia couple.

Lucy: Both of them are not online.

Mira: hmhmhmmm..

Erza: Jellal will call Gray.

Mira: Suree

"Where do you guys think Gray and Juvia went to?" Lucy asked.

"I think they went to Gray's relatives. They've been talking about that earlier this afternoon." Mira replied, placing her index finger on her chin.

"Oh, I think both of them are enjoying their time there and lost track of time, I guess." Lucy said and the others agreed.

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