Chapter 12

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Levy's Pov

"Shrimp, we've been here for almost an hour now." Gajeel complained, yet again.

I sighed. "Just wait a minute, can't you see I'm enjoying myself here?" I pouted.

Gajeel crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "But I'm not." He mumbled.

We're currently at the Galuna library right now because I want to buy new books and maybe I could find something useful here about the place Tenrou.

For now, I was already holding four new books that I wanted to buy while Gajeel is groaning in boredom at the back. I turn around to face him.

"You know Gajeel, you should try to read too." I told him. "It's actually fun."

"I don't find it fun." He replied bluntly.

I sighed yet again and placed the books on the nearest table. "I'm sorry."

Gajeel was surprised at what I said and his face became soft. "Why are you apologizing?"

"I'm sorry for being boring." I stated, looking away from him.

I felt sorry for Gajeel because I'm like this. I'm not like those other typical girls who are in to partying and fun to be with because I mostly prefer being inside the library and reading books. In short, I'm a nerd.

"Hey," Gajeel spoke softly but I still decided to not look at him. We started dating 3 days ago and I'm afraid that he will regret dating someone like me who is a nerd.

"Levy," I got surprised he called me by my real name. He usually calls me "shrimp" but this made me to look at him with almost teary eyes.

"Remember what you told everyone when Mira asked you what you like most about me?" He started. "Well, you like me because of being me and that's how I feel about you too, Levy." He said and I slightly gasped in realization.

He walked closely to me. He leaned his head to mine and now our foreheads touched. He looked at me in the eyes and smiled. "I love you for being you."

And with that, he kissed me. The tears that's been preventing to go out was now falling from my eyes. I kissed him back and hugged him on his neck.

We broke the kiss and he gently wipe the tears from my face. "I'm sorry."

Gajeel chuckled. "Can you please stop apologizing to me? There's nothing to be sorry for. In fact, I should be the one who's sorry." He stated and now I was confused.


"Because I was being selfish." He answered.

"No no no, you're not selfish! I was being dramatic." I said, embarrassed while shaking my hands in a no-no motion.

"No, I was." He seriously said. "From now on, I should appreciate everything you like especially like this. We're not going to end up good if we don't appreciate each other right?" He added and smiled.

I smiled back and hugged him. "Thank you."

I felt him hugging me back and we stayed like that for a minute and decided to break free.

"Come on, you can continue looking what book you like." He said and grabbed the 4 books I placed on the table. "I'll try to find a book that's  fun to read too, gihee."

Looking him like this made me realize that he's always there for me. Every time we hang out, we always go first in the library because I said so and he won't complained. It's time to let Gajeel decide where we should go too and also for our relationship to be fair.

"You know Gajeel." I spoke and eyed him happily. "Where do you want us to go after this?"

He was kinda confused at first and smiled. "I was thinking we should go to the beach to watch the sunset." He answered, trying to hide his blushing face.

I nodded in approval. "Well, let's go then! I want to see it too." I replied back, excitedly.

"If you say so shrimp." And with that, we left the library to watch the sunset.

Third Person's Pov

Levy and Gajeel went to the nearest beach and sat on the sand. Later, they both received a notification from the group chat.

"CFT Squad"

Jellal: Harold the bastard is here.

Both Levy and Gajeel was surprised and got alarmed.

Gray: you for real?! What the heck is he doing here?!

Erza: we don't know yet.

Jellal: Erza saw him a while ago and smirked at him when left the cafe.

Mira: that's creepy!

Lucy: i know right.

Erza: just be safe guys, who knows what he's up to.

Gajeel: on it.

"What do you think that guy's up to." Levy asked in concern. Gajeel noticed this and hugged her in the shoulders.

"Don't mind him, I'm here for you, always." Gajeel replied and Levy leaned on his chest.

Little did they know, someone was also spying them since they were in the library.

Author's Note:
Double update with Gale 💗

Anyways, I'm sorry for the very long update yet again. One reason, busy in college. 🤧 But hopefully I can finish this book before the year ends and that's one of my goal rn hehe.

- joy

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