Chapter 4

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Author's Note:

Hii so the update in this book is very slow because I changed some of the parts because the other drafts I wrote weren't saved! :/ Anywayys, here's an update! This chapter only consists of Levy's findings about the book and Mavis' journal :)) enjoy~

I apologize for the wrong grammars and any typos.


Levy's Pov

Lucy gave me the book after seeing that it was written in ancient writings. She told me that she only knew some basic parts but after turning the pages and examining them one by one, she gave up and told me she knew nothing. I sighed but she reassured me that she will help if I get to decipher them.

It was night time and I decided to read the book in my mini library in my home. I opened the book and saw the front page. It says, "History of Fairy Tail"

As I turn to the other page, it was already written in ancient and so I did my research by looking at the same pattern on the other books. I also tried to search them on internet and luckily it has something useful.

It took me hours as I saw the time and it was already 2 in the morning. Wow, but I haven't felt sleepy at all. It seems I'm determined about this.

At last, I had decipher some of the writings and it says here.

Tenrou island is the birthplace of the founder of Fairy Tail, Mavis Vermillon.

*Insert old picture of Tenrou island*

So this is Tenrou island. The island looks weird and I can already tell it's mysterious.

Tenrou island is the holy place of Fairy Tail where it lies the grave of Mavis.

*Insert old picture of the grave of Mavis*

So many infos but I only needed the location, let's see...

Tenrou island is located in the center of the ocean.

Center of the ocean? But where?

I tried looking for the location but it's no use. The book was just all about the Tenrou island. I sighed and decided to read Mavis' journal. Maybe I can find answers here.


I visited the land of fishes that was actually near in my hometown. Zera and I used a boat and we arrived safely. The fishes were big and colorful and I haven't seen something like that. It was a memorable day because I get to travel with my friend, Zera.

Colorful fishes?


I decided to travel alone since Zera is busy with her father. While in the boat, I saw rainbow fishes and they were beautiful. Rainbow fishes were known as the traveller's guide. It means that if you see one, you're a hundred percent sure that you're safe and is going on the right place. After that I arrived at my destination which is the land of the Moon and met a guy named, Haris.


I was in Tenrou the whole time. I was in the library with Zera and I was reading a book called "Fairy Tail" it sounds cool and after reading the book, I always thought that if Fairies do have Tail? Well, another reason to read a book.


The people in Alvarez invaded our hometown. Many died. Zera and I manage to survive. It was awful and the worst part is that, Zera and I were only the survivors.


Three travelers arrived. Their names was Yuri, Warrod, and Precht. They were from the land of Hunters. They told me they were treasure hunters and they wanted to steal the jewel of Tenrou. Of course I didn't let them and later did I know, we became friends.


I saw the black wizard. He was handsome and we became friends. I thought he was bad but I was wrong. He was nice and sweet. He also thought me magic. What he doesn't know is that I already have magic.


The black wizard thought Yuri, Warrod, and Precht magic. It was nice and the whole day they were practicing their magic.


It was the year that we made a guild called Fairy Tail. I was picked as the first master and it was also the first day to have their jobs.


It was the day that I get to know that Zera was already dead. She was just in my illusion in the whole time.......

While reading, I also take notes of some words that may lead to Tenrou. I didn't read the whole story but I get to know more about Mavis and about Tenrou island.

Now I know why Sir Gildarts told us that Tenrou holds wonders. It is because they have magic and guilds. I knew the history about having guilds in each city of Fiore but magic? I didn't expect that.

I also discovered that the guilds in each city in Fiore are the schools.

Fairy Tail.
Lamia Scale.
Mermaid Heel.
Raven Tail.
and more...

This is very interesting and mysterious. I can't wait to tell the others of what I had discovered. This will totally blew their minds.

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