Chapter 20

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Mira's Pov

"Really!?" I exclaimed, surprised. I glance at everyone and they too felt the same.

"Master contacted me through a lacrima earlier. He actually knew your plan from the beginning." Haris explained as he return the book back to Levy.

"So master knew it all along." Levy said as she receive the book back. "That's surprising."

"Wait, what's a lacrima?" Gajeel asked in confusion.

To think about it, it's my first time hearing that word too. Is it like a magical phone?

Since there are literally no signal here but master was able to contact Haris earlier.

"It's a magic tool used for communication." Haris answered.

A magic tool?

So magic still does exist up until now.

"Wow, that's amazing." Natsu replied in amazement. "Can we see it?"

Haris chuckled. "I like to show it you all but I have somewhere to go right now."

"Where are you going?" Laxus asked.

"I'm heading to catch fish with Nicholas at the other shore."

"At least have some lunch with us. We grilled some fishes." I said, pointing the tray of grilled fishes, Gajeel was holding.

"Thank you for the offer but it's fine." Haris politely declined.

"But before you leave, will tell us where Tenrou island is?" Lucy asked full of hope.

"Oh right! since master already approved does that mean you'll tell us where?" I added to Lucy's question.

Haris smiled. "Yes."

With that simple answer, I jumped in happiness. I hug the person next to me and it was Lucy.

"I will tell you about Tenrou this evening or maybe tomorrow morning. For now, I'll take my leave and you guys should take a rest from your long travel." Haris said and we all nodded our heads in understanding.

We did have a long travel and he's right about that.

"We'll be waiting for you here then." Laxus smiled.

Haris nodded his head as he take his leave.

"Finally!" I exclaimed in joy as I look to everyone.

"So, if master knew from the beginning then we are not in trouble in the first place?" Levy said unsure as she looked at us.

"It does sounds fishy." Laxus said as he crossed his arms.

"What do you mean, Laxus?" Gajeel asked.

"If gramps knew it from the beginning, why didn't he stop us? considering we stole the book and Mavis' journal." Laxus answered.

"Who cares, as long as we're not in trouble then we're good to go!" Natsu tried to brighten the mood.

"But still," Laxus sighed.

"Hey, calm your thoughts for a while. Who knows? Maybe master just wants us to see Tenrou island." I said to Laxus as I softly holds his hand.

"Hm, you may be right." Laxus replied and gave a weak smile.

Lucy's Pov

When Jellal and the others arrived, we then told them what happened. They also sighed in relief but what caught me was Juvia.

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