Chapter 10

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Lucy's Pov

"What did I just told you Natsu?" I asked him with an annoyed look. He doesn't listen when it comes to fighting. This idiot.

"That bastard deserves it!" Natsu replied.

"I gotta agree with flamebrain though," Gajeel said.

"Ah huh really?" Levy asked.

"Well I heard what he said about Lucy and Juvia. If I were Natsu, I will also punch him in the face too." Gajeel replied seriously.

"What!? What did he says about Juvia?" Gray asked alarmed.

Okay so here's what happened. When I told Natsu not to do silly things, I already knew he will do something and so I sat besides Erza at the passenger's seat to see what will happen.

The whole conversation was intense I could tell and I can only hear lightly. When everyone was about to head their separate ways, Natsu suddenly ran and punched Harold's face. Jellal, Gajeel, and Laxus immediately ran to stop him. Harold was about to fight back when Will arrived and scolded him. After that, Will apologized and ended.

"He says something inappropriate, you know?" Natsu told Gray. Gray then gets it and sighed in frustration.

"Alright, that's enough. Atleast no one's hurt." Erza stated.

"Well, I hurt my hand." Natsu said, looking at his hand that he used for punching Harold.

"That's your problem," Jellal stated.

He looked at me with a pout and I sighed. "Come on." I told him and went to grab the first aid kit, though it was not really a serious wound but I want to make sure his hand was not hurt.

Third Person's Pov

Finally, the gang made it to their first destination which is the city of Hargeon. It was exactly 11 in the morning and the gang decided to eat at some restaurant.

They found a nice restaurant named, Lucky 7 and so they all agreed to eat there.

Laxus parked the van and the gang went inside. They ordered their meals and started a conversation.

"So, since we're in Hargeon does that mean we'll be leaving the van here to ride a boat to Galuna island?" Jellal asked.

"Uhuh," Levy replied.

"Hold on, I just realized something Levy," Erza asked this time.


"You told us that we will find Haris because she's a friend of Mavis." Erza started. "Is he still alive? I mean, the book is like a hundred years ago?"

"Oh gosh, you're right Erza!" Mira agrees.

"Damn, so what should we do about it?" Laxus said, crossing his arms.

"Guys, calm down." Levy stated. "Haris is not yet dead."

"How sure are you?" Gray asked.

"Because Haris is an illusion that Mavis had made." Levy answered.

"Illusion?" Juvia asked.

"Can we see him?" Lucy added.

"Of course," Levy replied. "As I have read the book, Haris is an illusion that Mavis had made when she went to Galuna island. Also, we can see him because Mavis said that only the Fairy Tail members can see something or someone that she had made and that includes us because we're part of Fairy Tail."

"Ohh, I get it." Natsu said. "But, where would we find him? And how do we know what he looks like?"

"That's actually the problem though," Levy sheepishly replied.

"You mean you don't know where to find Haris!?" Gray asked.

"Um, I do know where to find him but I'm not quite sure if it's correct." Levy said.

"What does the books says?" Erza asked.

"Mavis described Haris as a fisherman in the village called De Luna. So we go to that village and find him. Who knows? Someone might actually knew him." Levy answered.

"Might actually knew him." Jellal sighed, thinking it will be hard since only the members of fairy tail can see him.

"I have a feeling that this trip will take us days." Gajeel said.

"Or months." Laxus added.

"Yes, I think it will, but months? I don't think so." Juvia stated.

"You never know~" Mira smiled and winked.

"Well good thing you guys are rich," Gajeel smirked. "Gihee,"

Their orders arrived and they slowly dig in. Little did they know that someone is following them and is eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Galuna island huh?" The unknown person smirked.

After their heavenly meal, the gang went back to the van and drove to the Hargeon port.

"Alright, pack some of your things guys! Also, don't forget to bring swimsuits." Mira winked at them.

The gang arrived at the Hargeon port. They left the van near the port at someone Laxus knew and went to buy tickets.

"I can't wait to go to Galuna island, it's my first time going there." Juvia stated.

"Well, I can tell you that it's a wonderful island." Gray smiled at her and hugged her on her waist.

Their boat arrived and the gang excitedly went to Galuna island.

Author's Note

Double update since I now realized that this book gains 1k plus readers! wohooo 🎉🎉  thank you sm!! 🥰

Anyways I apologize for some wrong grammars or typos. I'll update maybe often cause I'm still thinking about what to write more about this book hehe 😉

Take care everyone and stay safe! 💗

— joy

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