Chapter 16

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Juvia's Pov

"Be careful and maybe have some fun Gray and Juvia." Ultear said as we bid goodbyes. Lyon and Shelia were still asleep since its 4 in the morning and we already told them last night about our departure today.

"Thanks aunt, we'll keep in mind what you've told us." Gray smiled and we went off to the train station. We got our tickets and left to De Luna village.

"Man, this village is an 8 hour ride." Gray spoke as he sat on his chair after placing our bags.

"I know." I sighed and placed my head on his shoulder.

"Do you think this trip to Tenrou is worth it?" Gray asked out of blue. "I mean its alright but I just don't know what to expect."

"Is it because of what your aunt told us earlier?" I asked and faced him with worriedly because I felt the same too.


Third Person's Pov

It was 3 in the morning.

Gray just got out of the bathroom after taking a warm shower. Juvia is currently combing her hair when a knock on the door was heard.

"Who is it?" Gray asked quite loud.

"Its me." Ultear answered. Juvia stood up to open the door while Gray already put some clothes on.

"What is it aunt?" Gray asked as soon Ultear entered the room.

"I just wanna tell you guys about what you're up to." Ultear said.

Gray and Juvia looked at each other confused.

"What are you talking about, aunt Ultear?" Juvia asked this time.

"About the Tenrou island, it is quite far from here. I cannot tell you where exactly it is because I can't remember how to get there since it was long ago." Ultear spoke.

"So you've been to Tenrou before?" Gray asked and Ultear nodded her head.

"Long ago, maybe 20 years ago?" She replied.

"I'm here to warn you guys to be careful when you reached that island." Ultear looked at them seriously. "Make sure that no one follows you there because it is said that whoever wanted to go to that island is they wanted to get the jewel of the island."

"Huh? Is there such thing?" Gray said very confused about knowing a new information.

"Levy didn't tell us about this yet?" Juvia said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Levy? Who's is she? Does she know where the island is?" Ultear asked, facing Juvia with a serious look.

"She's our friend. She's using Mavis' journal to track the location of the island." Juvia answered to her.

"Mavis' journal!?" Ultear asked, quite shock.

"What? Why are you so surprised about this aunt?" Gray asked, looking at his aunt suspiciously.

"I thought that journal was being hidden by the master of fairy tail so that no one can ever locate the island." She answered to Gray. Both him and Juvia went quiet upon hearing what Ultear said.

"But maybe my guess was right?" Ultear chuckled. "You guys secretly took the journal didn't you? Did Levy did it?"

Gray and Juvia just sighed and Ultear already knew the answer for that. "Okay."

"Mavis' journal is very important. No one should ever touch it except the hands of a fairy tail member because it holds a lot of secrets, especially spells." Ultear said. "You may think I'm crazy, but I think you guys already knew that magic existed but not this time. Many still out there uses black or forbidden magic, no one just knew or witness."

"You knew a lot about this aunt." Gray spoke this time, crossing his arms and looked at his aunt. "Who are you really?"

Gray knew she was his aunt but he doesn't know everything about her. All he knew was that she's his aunt who works abroad, nothing more.

Ultear sighed, "I'm a wizard before but today, I am not anymore."

Juvia gasped in surprised. "Really?"

"Let's not talk more about this, what's important is that I told you guys everything I knew about that island. Please be safe." Ultear looked at them in concern.

End of flashback...

He looked at me with hesitation and sighed.

"Its like we're doing something that's quite dangerous and very risky. Who knows what will happen to us." He answered.

"You're right about that." I agreed. "And we should definitely tell the others about this. I got a feeling that Levy missed an important info about Mavis' journal."

"But did she said that Zeref was the one who taught her magic?" Gray asked.

"No, Mavis already had magic before he met Zeref." I clarified, reminiscing what Levy told us. "Zeref taught magic to Mavis' friends"

"Do you remember who they are?"

"I don't."

"All I can remember was that Zeref was good to Mavis, I think." I said, not quite sure about what I remembered.

"Yeah I can tell he'a a good guy since he's a friend of my aunt." Gray said.

"But do you really think he's a good guy?" I asked, emphasizing the word "good".

Gray raised an eyebrow out of confusion. "I guess so? why would you ask?"

"Nothing, just asking." I replied.

This feeling I'm getting is not helping at all. I'm very confused and scared of what may happen. I really think we're dealing something terrible here.

"I just hopes no one knows where we're going." I said and sighed. "We should tell the others about this also, who knew, maybe we we're already being followed." I added.

"I think so too." Gray replied. "Considering that Harold guy." and with that, Gray took out his phone and told everyone about it.

"We have a lot of explaining to do when we arrived there." Gray sighed heavily.

"Yeah." I silently replied.

Ultear's Pov

"Yeah, they are on their way to Galuna island." I told the person I'm talking on the phone.

"That's good." He answered. "Did you tell them about the exact location?"

"No, I did not." I replied. "It looks like it will be difficult for them to locate it, Macarov."

"I thought so too," He said. "Anyways, thank you for telling them about some warnings, I have a feeling that someone is already following them."

"No problem, I'm concerned about their safety too." I said, especially thinking about Gray.

"That's why I have already sent my reliable members to protect them if anything happens." Macarov said.

"Alright, that's good to hear." I replied back and we ended the call.

I hope the best for fairy tail.

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