Chapter 15

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Lucy's Pov

"So this is De Luna village?" I spoke as soon we arrived at the entrance of the village. The village was peaceful and windy since its near to the ocean.

"How do we find Haris?" Mira asked, fixing her sunglasses.

"I think its better to ask every fellow villagers, maybe some of them know this guy." Jellal answered hopefully.

"Should we split up?" Natsu asked, more like suggested.

"We could but there's no signal here. How do we tell each other that we found Haris?" Levy replied, showing her phone with no signal.

"Well that's quite a problem." Laxus said as he fixed his cap.

"Let's just go together and ask some villagers along the way." I stated and they all agreed.

We entered the village and the others immediately went to ask about Haris. I was scanning the village since I find it beautiful. The villagers were busy organizing their goods, children were playing around, and some were doing their own businesses.

Finding Haris will be difficult since he is an illusion made by Mavis and only us, the members of Fairy Tail can see him. But, it will also be a good idea to ask questions about him cause maybe someone knew him, hopefully.

My eyes caught a fisherman talking to an old lady and I think I should ask him about Haris since he's a fisherman, maybe he knew him.

I walked towards him and heard their conversation with the old lady. I didn't mean to listen though.

"Really? Maybe I should order some." The old lady said.

"Of course! I will surely caught those fishes for you." The fisherman replied happily.

I can feel that it was the end of their conversation so I decided to ask him. "Excuse me, mister?"

The fisherman then looked at me in surprise but with a welcoming look. "Yes, young lady?"

"Do you know a guy named, Haris? He's also a fisherman here." I asked and realized that he's welcoming look became a glare.

"Why do want to see him? Who are you?" He asked quite angry and I backed away slowly.

Sheesh, did Haris do something bad to him? But on the bright side, he knows Haris. Maybe he's a member??

"Ugh, I'm from the city of Magnolia. Me and my friends are looking for him to ask some personal questions which are quite important to us and maybe to him." I answered calmly.

The fisherman was still glaring at me and it's already making me uncomfortable. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes" I replied. "Uh, but do you know where we could find him?" I added.

"Of course I know where he lives in this village and I will only tell you in one condition." The fisherman smirked.

This looks bad. "Uh.. sure?"

He smiled and showed me his basket. "Buy me some fishes, its 200 jewels for one kilo."

I mentally face palm. I was so nervous, thinking it was a bad condition and luckily it wasn't. I sighed and smiled, "Sure mister, I'll buy them all instead."

"You're such an angel, it will be 4000 jewels." The fisherman said and I gave him the jewels.

"Alright, about Haris.." The fisherman started and became serious again. "I could tell you where he is but I want to ask you a question first."

"Okay." I said without hesitation.

"Are you.." Then he went closer and whisper, "A fairy tail member?"

I got surprised at how confidential of him asking if I was a member of fairy tail.

"Yes mister, me and my friends are members of fairy tail." I told him honestly. He looked at me still debating but later nodded his head.

"Alright, follow me." And with that I mentally jumped in happiness and called the others.

"That was quick." Gajeel stated.

"I know right and here we thought its impossible to find him." Jellal replied.

"Way to go Lu-chan!" Levy and I high fived.

"And you already bought us some lunch!" Mira exclaimed, pointing the basket full of fishes.

"That's my girl." Natsu rubbed my head like a dog and snatch the basket I was holding. I blushed and smiled at him proudly.

The fisherman brought us to a small house away from the other houses. He stopped on his tracks and shouted, "Hey Haris! some teenagers are looking for you!"

He turned to face us all. "This is where Haris lived." He spoke and later on, a man with his 30s showed up from the back of the house. He had white hair, his clothes was quite dirty maybe because he was chopping some woods, he was barefoot, and he was wearing a brown hat.

So this is Haris.

"What is it about Nicholas?" Haris shouted and looked at us suspiciously.

"They wanted to ask some personal questions." Nicholas, the fisherman responded. "I should take my leave now." And with that, we thanked him and now its just us and Haris.

"What do you want from me?" Haris asked, crossing his arms.

Levy stepped forward, "Before we answer, can we ask you a question first?"

"Since when did a question became an answer?" Haris chuckled.

"Since now." Natsu replied, smiling cheekily. I mentally face palmed, yet again.

Haris looked taken a back.

"Seriously Natsu?" Erza glared at him.

"What?? I'm just saying." Natsu looked away, pretending nothing happened.

"Okay, go a head." Haris sighed in defeat. "Fire away your question."

"Do you know Mavis?" Levy questioned and with that, Haris slowly uncrossed his arms but looked at unsurprised. "Mavis Vermilion, Fairy Tail's founder."

Haris chuckled again. "You can see me and I can already tell you're all part of Fairy Tail since only the fairy tail members can see me, no one else."

"So that's why all the villagers we asked earlier don't know who he was." Gajeel said in realization.

"That's why we decided to ask each villagers hoping someone knew him." Levy replied to Gajeel.

"About Nicholas, is he a fairy tail member?" Laxus asked curiously.

Haris shook his head. "He's not, I only made him see me because I have no other friends here."

"You can do that?" I asked this time.

"I asked Mavis about it." He smiled. "So, why do want to see me?"

Oh now I get it. Nicholas was just making sure earlier because none of the people except him can see Haris.

"We wanted to know where Tenrou island is." Erza spoke. "Do you perhaps know where to locate the island?"

Haris nodded his head. "Of course I know where that island is."

All of us smiled but what Haris said after made us confused.

"But I can't tell you where."

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