Chapter 26

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Juvia's Pov

"What took them so long?" Levy asked, worriedly while looking carefully for Gray, Lucy, and, Mira to pass by.

We were hiding behind this huge barrels for quite some time now while waiting for them. I have a huge trust on Gray and I really hope nothing bad happens to them.

"Should we go back?" Levy suggested but I looked at her in disbelief.

"Are you crazy, Levy? It's too dangerous!" I whisper yell. I was too coward to go back. I don't know why I felt this way but I'm afraid to risk my life.

Although part of me wanted to go back to help my beloved Gray and the others but some part of me also wanted to be safe.

Why am I such a scaredy cat!?

I closed my eyes, debating.

"Juvia?" Levy called me in concern.

I open my eyes with determination. I should take the risk.

"Levy, I changed my mind, let's —

Just when I was about to finish my statement, we heard footsteps. Levy and I immediately stayed quiet as we carefully look to who it was.

"Gajeel!" Levy called in relief as she stood up and run to them.

It was Natsu and Gajeel.

"Levy!" Gajeel hugs Levy as soon he saw her approaching them.

"Juvia!" Gajeel also saw me as I left our hiding place.

"What happened? Where are the others?" Natsu asked worriedly once he noticed that it was just the two of us.

"Jura's shop is useless. Erza, Jellal, and Laxus went back to Haris' place to get our things, especially Mavis' journal. We waited for you guys until some men saw us and we ran." I explained, trying not to stutter.

"Where's Lucy, Gray, and Mira!?" Natsu asked, now getting impatient.

"Gray went back to help Lucy and Mira but they never came back up until now." Levy finishes sadly.

Natsu stayed blank for a while. "Where did it happen?"

I pointed at the left corner. "That way."

And with that answer, Natsu instantly run to the direction I pointed out.

"Natsu!" Gajeel called.

"Let's follow him." Levy said and we agreed.

We run and followed Natsu until we arrived at a messy street. Some villagers were occupying the area with curiosity. We decided to check it out.

"I heard yelling!"

"They were fighting here but I was too scared to help so I just watched."

"I wonder what they're fighing for?"

"Probably jewels."

We heard some gossips and I already knew this is where they were.

"Tell me, what happened?" Natsu asked a villager who was near him.

"Well, it happened so fast, I think? There were five men against three teens! one is a boy and two girls. The teens were winning not until someone got hurt. They were kidnapped."

I gasped in terror. Someone got hurt? I was starting to get worried for Gray and also for Lucy and Mira. There were five men, muscular men to be exact. I was so close to tears thinking of what had happened to Gray.

"We were too coward to help, the men have weapons, a knife to be exact. We don't want to get hurt or get involved." A villager said.

Natsu thanked the villager for the information.

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