Chapter 9

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Juvia's Pov

That Harold guy is creeping me out. Every time I remembered his face, he makes me want to puke in disgust. I was in the comfort room to freshen up since I was covered in sweat earlier. I wore a nice baby blue shirt and white shorts. I tied my hair into ponytail and make cute poses in front of the mirror.

Satisfied of what I look, I went out of the comfort room to see Lucy waiting.

"Took you long enough," Lucy teased as she enters the comfort room.

"That's how we girls do," I replied. Lucy agrees and closed the door.

"Who wants fresh mangoes?" Mira yells, placing the tray with fresh mangoes on the table.

Everyone gathers around well except for Lucy to eat the fresh mangoes.

"Are we on the right way?" Gajeel asked. He still didn't trust those guys. He thought they will lead us to somewhere else.

"Yes, I've been observing each path. Trust me, I know the way to Hargeon." Laxus replied, munching a fresh mango.

After eating some fresh mangoes, I decided to lay in bed until Gray approached me. "Hey,"

"Hey," I replied back. Gray sat beside me and caressed my hair.

"Do you still feel uneasy?" Gray asked in concern.

"A little." I answered. "I just don't like guys doing that to me."

"I know, that's why I'm always here to protect you." Gray replied, smiling.

"Thank you." I mumbled, smiling back.

Gray then kissed my forehead, "I know you're tired, have some rest."

"Yeah you're right," I replied, closing my eyes and later did I know, I fell asleep in Gray's embrace.

Erza's Pov

Those bastards are really getting something from me if they do it again. I hate those kinds of guys, it disgusts me.

I was sitting on the couch with Jellal by my side. I placed my head on his shoulder while holding his hand.

"I want strawberry cake." I blurted out.

The fact that Natsu and Lucy was incharge of the foods didn't even bought a single strawberry cake. Ugh, those idiots.

Jellal chuckled, "I heard that the strawberry cake in Hargeon tastes good."

My eyes then turned into sparkles. "When we arrive at Hargeon, I will surely buy a hundred of them."

"I'm sure you will." Jellal replied as he kissed my hand that was holding his hand.

"Alright people! I see the gas station!" Laxus yells.

"Boys, you know what to do." Mira said, washing some dishes.

"Sure," Gajeel replied.

The boys went out except for Gray since he fell asleep with Juvia. I went to the driver's seat to see the scene.

Natsu's Pov

I was playing with Lucy's hair while she was doing some stuffs on her face when Laxus announced that he already saw the gas station.

"Don't do silly things, Natsu." Lucy warned me as I only grins on her.

I really can't promise anything when it comes to fighting.

When we arrived, us boys went out except for Ice Princess since he fell asleep with his girl.

Will then went out of the truck as he unties the rope.

"We're here fellas," Will stated as I helped him untie the rope.

Alfred, John, and that bastard Harold also went out and I can see he's expecting someone. Tch.

"Thank you so much for helping us!" Jellal exclaims as he faced Will with gratitude.

"It's fine, it's no big deal." Will replied and smiled.

Laxus already went to fuel the van with full tank and went to buy two gallons of gas.

"Okay, how much do we have to pay?" Gajeel asked, crossing his arms.

"Pay? Oh, no, no.. I don't do that," Will replied.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"What? No payment uncle? I was already expecting high though," Alfred exclaims upon hearing him.

So Will is their uncle huh?

"We don't do that Alfred, helping is enough." Will response. He then faced us with a look of 'it's okay'

"Well, if you excuse me, I just need to go to the restroom to do some business." Will said and excused himself to go to the restroom. Well, I guess he's the only good guy here.

Now it was us and his naughty nephews.

"I don't believe him," John said annoyed.

"Well, if you want money then we will give it to you since your uncle didn't want it then we will be giving it to you." Jellal stated.

"You for real?" John asked in excitement.

"Uh, yes?" Jellal replied, being unbothered as always.

"No we don't need money," This time, Harold shows up. "What we need is a woman from your van." Harold smirked as I tense up.

Is he serious!? I can't believe some guys are like this when he clearly knows that they were our girls.

Gajeel noticed me and went to place his hand on my shoulder, patting it to calm me down.

"Now why would we do that? Those girls are ours." Jellal said in calm but I can see that he was calming his anger. Jellal may be a calm guy but trust me, he's more scarier than Erza when he gets mad.

"Oh come on, look, we helped you and if it weren't for us, you guys could still be stuck on that vast place." Harold replied, glaring at us.

And he had the guts to glare at us? fcking bastard.

"Hey, you're crossing the line bro, what we need is money not a woman!" Alfred stated. "I admit that I was attracted to some of their girls but money is still important bro!" He added.

Thank goodness this other one has some good brain, at least.

"You should listen to your friend," Gajeel said this time and glared back at him.

Finally, Laxus arrived. "Our work here is done guys, we're good to go."

And then Will arrived, "Really? That's good to hear."

"Will, thank you so much for helping us, here take it." Jellal said upon seeing him. He handed him a thousand of jewels and I can see Alfred and John's eyes sparkles.

"You don't have to -"

"Please, take it. It's the least we can do to thank you." Jellal forced him to take it until Will gave up.

"Alright, thanks for this kid." Will stated.

Will then gave us a goodbye and went to his truck. Alfred and John also thanked us while Harold sulked.

Heh, serves him right.

Just when we were about to enter the van, I heard something that triggers me.

"I swear if I see that blue haired girl or that blonde again, I will not hesitate to pound at them." Harold told them and they all laughed thinking it was a joke, too bad it's not and so I decided to give him a souvenir.

"Oi Natsu!"

Author's Note:

Its been so long :')

I'm so sorry for the super duper late update and keeping you guys waiting 😭 I was just so busy in college and online class is stressing me ugh (for a year 💀)

Anyways, I hope you all are still updated about this book 😅

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