Chapter 25

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Third Person's Pov

Gajeel and Natsu walked inside Jura's shop. They thought they would be here since this was where they told them they would meet up. However, they where nowhere to be seen.

"How may I help you?" Jura asked them once he saw them enter the shop.

"Did people our age went to this shop before us asking about a lacrima?." Natsu asked. Jura got his point and nodded his head.

"They were here but once I told them I don't have any magic to operate the lacrima, they left." Jura answered.

"I see, thank you." Natsu replied back.


They left the shop and was clueless. The two of them had no clue on where they could possibly go.

"Fck, are we too late!?" Natsu panicked as he tried looking for them.

"That can't be right. There's Laxus, Erza, and Jellal. Nothing bad will happen if those three are present." Gajeel tried to reassured Natsu although he was feeling distress as well.

"Well, Gray and Mira can also fight back." Natsu sighed. "I guess you're right but where can we find them."

Gajeel asked some villagers but they said they didn't knew.

"For now, let's not stay here, those men will probably arrive here any minute." Gajeel stated, eyeing the surrounding.

"Right." Natsu agreed.

Erza's Pov

"What should we do now?" I asked as we were heading back to the main village.

"I think it's better to leave Galuna." Laxus spoke. "We can't stay here any longer, those men are now probably after us after they captured Haris and Nicholas."

"Where should we go? to Gray's aunt?" Jellal asked.

"No but home." Laxus replied.

Both Jellal and I looked at Laxus. He was dead serious. We didn't think about this.

"We should tell this to gramps once we reached the city and then leave. Let gramps handle this. We can't do this on our own." Laxus explained, still looking forward.

"Then that means.."

"We'll bail this trip."


We didn't thought about this because we were too caught up of wanting to go to Tenrou island. And now that the situation is getting worse, I guess the best idea is to leave. It might be selfish but it's also for the sake of our safety.

"But why gramps allowed us to go? And most especially, how did those men knew that we're coming here or to Tenrou?" Jellal said with confusion and a tint of annoyance in his voice.

"To add up, how did they know that we're from Fairy Tail." I added.

I heard Laxus sighed. He then looked at us.

"We better leave as soon as possible. If they knew we're from Fairy Tail then that means they have magic with them. It's too dangerous and we can't risk our lives." Laxus said.

Laxus' right. We really need to leave.

I glance at Jellal and he gave me a weak smile. I understood his distress but oh well, too much for adventure, I guess this ends right here.

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