Chapter 11

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Third Person's Pov

"Finallyyy!" Natsu exclaims as the gang landed on the port of Galuna Island.

"I'm starving..." Lucy whinned.

"But we just ate?" Levy said, looking at Lucy in disbelief.

"Yeah, like an hour ago," Lucy replied bluntly.

"Look! A subway sandwich!" Mira pointed out.

As soon as Lucy saw it, she immediately grabs Natsu's hand and went to the subway sandwich.

"Anyone else wants some?" Jellal asked, facing his friends.

"I'm coming," Erza said.

"Just order anything for us," Mira replied sweetly.

And so, Erza and Jellal followed the Nalu couple.

"Man, it's been a year since I last visited this island." Gray spoke, admiring the view of the city and at the same time the ocean beside it.

"Oh, I remembered that you have family relatives here right?" Juvia asked Gray.

Gray nodded his head. "Yeah, my cousins lived here. I might visit them later."

"Can I come?" Juvia asked him with a pleading eyes.

Gray find this cute as he chuckled. "Of course."

"So Levy, how do we get to the De Luna village?" Laxus asked.

"De Luna village is an 8 hours ride from here." Levy replied, reading Mavis' journal.

"Whaatt!? That long? I'm already tired from traveling." Gajeel whined.

It was already 3 in the afternoon and the gang was at their second destination, the Galuna Island. Natsu, Lucy, Jellal, and Erza arrived with the sandwiches.

"Hey, what if we just rest for today?" Juvia suggested. "You know, have fun in Galuna island and first thing tomorrow morning, we'll go to the De Luna village so that can we also enjoy our adventure together. What do you guys say?"

"I'm on Juvia!" Gajeel exclaims. "I think I need to enjoy myself here in this island for a while." Gajeel added and patted Levy's head.

"Hm, Juvia's right. So? Anyone got plans on what should we do today?" Erza also agreed.

"I think it's best to have a couple time." Mira winked, hugging Laxus from behind.

"That's sounds nice." Jellal replied, placing his hand on Erza's shoulder and giving her a warm smile.

"Alrighty then!" Mira exclaims and the gang went to the nearest hotel to settle for two days.

Erza's Pov

"We should meet at Grill's restaurant tonight at 7pm for dinner." I spoke. All of us stood outside the hotel. "It's location is just from the corner of this hotel." I added.

"Yeah sure." Gray replied.

"Make sure to contact us if you guys get lost." Mira said in concern knowing that some of us isn't familiar with this island. Well except for Gray, Natsu, Lucy, Laxus, and Levy they actually know this place so I guess they won't get lost.

We bid goodbyes and went to our separate ways. Jellal and I have been thinking of going in a cafe since I'm craving for a strawberry cake and he wants a frappe.

"You sure this is the place?" Jellal asked as we reached at a cafe known as Sweet Deluxe.

"Yup, this is the place!" I exclaimed, excited to taste those delicious strawberry cakes.

Jellal and I entered the cafe and it was beautiful. We went to a vacant table and ordered.

"I would like a whole strawberry cake and a strawberry milkshake." I ordered.

The waiter was kinda shock at first but nodded his head afterwards while listing it on his notepad.

"And I would like a mocha frappe and a slice of blueberry cheesecake." Jellal ordered.

When the waiter left us, Jellal then placed his hand on top of my hand that was resting on the table.

"You tired?" He asked as he softly caressed my hand.

"Not really, you?" I answered back.

"A little but I'm enjoying our trip." Jellal smiled. "Do you think we will find Tenrou within this week?"

"I don't know but I trust Levy." I replied.

Just when our orders arrived, I saw a familiar figure at the corner of the cafe. I can't see his face because he's facing back at me and he was on the phone.

"Hey Erza?" I snapped at my own thoughts and looked at Jellal. "Is everything alright?"

"Um, 6 o'clock, the guy with a brown hair." I whispered quietly but making sure he heard it. Jellal then turned around and saw him.

"What the heck?" He said and then faced me. "Tell me he's not that Harold guy."

"I still don't know yet." I said back. The guy was about to leave the cafe but before he could push the door to leave, he tilted his head and glance at me.

I was shocked. Is he spying on us!?

He smirked at me and left with a wink.

"That bastard -

Jellal was about to stood up but I stopped him. "Don't make a scene." I calmly said. Jellal deeply sighed and gave up.

"I'm being very patient with him but when I'll see him again, I won't hesitate to fight him." Jellal spoke, frustrated.

I caressed his hand softly trying to calm him which he did. "We need to tell about the others about this." I stated alarmed.

"Sure." He replied. "I won't let him destroy our road trip."

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