Chapter 8

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Third Person's Pov

"What's seems to be the problem, Laxus?" Erza asked, standing up.

"We ran out of fuel." Laxus replied.

"What!??" Natsu exclaims.

"Is there a gasoline station nearby?" Juvia asked hopefully.

"And here we are, too dumb to buy gas in the first place." Gray stated, crossing his arms.

Then, the van halted since they ran out fuel.

"Just great!" Gray exclaims sarcastically.

"I'm gonna head out to find a gasoline station nearby," Laxus stated, taking off his seatbelt.

"I'm coming." Jellal spoke.

"Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?" Lucy asked as she was fanning herself using her hands.

"Yes, it's getting hot. Let's go outside to have some fresh air." Erza stated and the gang went outside.

"Here, let me help you," Natsu then wipes Lucy's sweating face and shoulders.

Gray using his handkerchief, tried to fan him and Juvia. Gajeel did the same for Levy.

"You know, you can change your clothes." Jellal said to Erza who is wearing the turtle neck shirt.

"You know what? You're right." Erza replied and went inside to change.

Mira tied her hair and Laxus placed a towel on her back.

"I think there's no gasoline station nearby," Mira told Laxus.

"But we must find something," Laxus replied.

They were in the middle of nowhere. No signal and no help. The area was a vast place until a truck pass by and noticed the gang. Not the whole gang but only the girls who's wearing sleeveless since it was a hot day.

The gang noticed the truck and went to ask for help. The truck halted and a man with his 20s went to the gang.

"What happened?" The man asked, especially eyeing the girls.

Two men also left the truck to see what happened.

"We ran out of fuel." Laxus answered.

"My, my, what should we do to help you guys?" The man with a cigarette said this time.

"Um, do you have a spare fuel? Or can you help pull our van to the nearest gas station? We promise to pay you." Jellal said.

"The name's Will, um... We can help pull your van to the nearest gas station," The man in his 30's replied.

"Really?" Mira asked.

"Sure, wait let me see if we have some rope at the back." Will replied and went to find a rope.

The man with a cigarette took glances of Juvia and she noticed it. She felt uneasy and so she decided to go inside the van. Gray noticed her and followed her.

"Do you have some water? Btw the name's Alfred." Alfred asked, the man in his 20s.

"Oh sure! Wait let me get some for you." Mira replied and went inside the van.

"Um! Need a little help here!" Will yells at the back of the truck.

Laxus and Jellal quickly went to Will.

"What's the problem?" Jellal asked.

"The rope's stuck, help me with this so that we can pull the rope." Will stated pointing at the rope's end that was stuck below a huge box.

"Okay," Laxus replied back.

"May I ask where you guys are going?" Alfred asked them.

"Oh, we're going to Hargeon." Levy replied.

"I see, Hargeon is still 3 hours away, I guess." This time the man with a cigarette said. "Btw the name's Harold."

"How about you? What's your name?" Harold points at Lucy and smiled maniacally.

Lucy noticed his weird smile and clutched at Natsu's shirt on his back so Harold won't see it. Natsu noticed Lucy being uneasy and so he decided to take place.

"Why are you asking my girlfriend's name?" Natsu asked annoyed, hugging Lucy on her shoulders.

Gajeel noticed Natsu's voice. He knew something was up and so he decided to let Levy enter the van.

"Nothing, just wanna know her name and yours?" Harold replied. Nastu just glared and ignored his response. Harold noticed it.

"Here's the water!" Mira exclaims, arriving back with a cup of water.

"Thanks," Alfred said.

"Alright! The rope is here. Let's just tie it here and there." Will stated.

After tying the ropes, the gang thanked them and went inside the van.

And for the men on the truck, Will, the driver starts the engine and they went off.

"Has anyone noticed about those guys? Especially the one with a cigarette?" Gray asked.

"You mean that bastard Harold?" Natsu groans in annoyance. "He's been eyeing Lucy and I don't like it."

"Same with Juvia, she told me how he was looking on her that's why she went inside the van." Gray replied.

"Really?" Erza asked annoyed. She doesn't like it when someone is doing like that to her girl friends.

"I think Will is the only good guy," Jellal stated, not quite sure.

"You don't know about that Jellal," Gajeel replied, crossing his arms.

"Okay, if that's the case. Us girls will not go outside when we arrive at the gasoline station. Let the boys handle it." Mira spoke and the boys agrees.

"Of course, we'll do that just to keep you girls safe." Jellal stated.


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