Chapter 2

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Lucy's Pov

It was lunch time and we went on our usual table in the cafeteria with the same sitting arrangements.

After Mr. Gildarts' discussion, I couldn't stop thinking about the ancient place or the holy land of our school which is the Tenrou island. My mind was itching for answers about that unknown place, in short I was very curious.

"Hey Lu-chan, are you alright? You're spacing off." Levy said as she look at me in concern.

I snapped on my thoughts realizing I was staring at the wall for a while now while playing the straw of my milkshake and I think everyone noticed it too.

I shook my head and faced her. "I'm fine," I replied. "I was just thinking about some unecessary things."

Is it really unecessary?

Stupid Lucy! Of course it isn't! You're very interested about the place.

"I bet she's thinking about Natsu." Gray spoke, crossing his arms and looking at Natsu with a smirk.

"So you think I'm unecessary huh ice freak!?" Natsu retorted, facing Gray with a glare.

"You could say that." Gray replied, challenging him.


"That's enough!" Erza exclaims, annoyed.


"So what's really bugging you Lucy? Is it really Natsu?" Mira asked, somehow teasing. I mentally facepalmed and glared at her.

I sighed. "No it's not about Natsu."

"Ouch," Natsu acted like he was hurt but I shrug him off. He actually knows what's the truth about us.

I gave up since everyone knows I'm bad at lying. "I was just thinking about the Tenrou island." I blurted out.

"Tenrou island?" Jellal said curiously.

"You mean the ancient place of this school?" Levy asked and I gave her a nod.

"Oh, the one Gildarts told us this morning. About how magical that place is." Natsu stated.

"Magical? That sounds fake." Jellal said, crossing his arms and giving us some weird look.

"True but I'm with Lucy though, I'm also curious about the place." Erza stated, finishing the last piece of her strawberry cake.

"Wait... why are you guys curious about this Tenrou island? What's this place all about? And where the heck is that?" Jellal asked dumbfounded.

"I feel sorry for Jellal." Gray muttered.

I remembered that Jellal weren't in the same class with us this morning that's why he can't relate to us about this topic.

"Long story short, Tenrou island is the ancient place of our school. A place full of wonders and the birth place of the founder of our school, Mavis. It is said that the island is unknown to everyone except for the masters of this school." Levy explained.

"Ohh, interesting." Jellal stated, finally understanding us.

"My only question is that, where could that island be?" I asked this time.

"Maybe Laxus knew something?" Juvia stated, pointing at Laxus.

"I already told you guys, I have no idea about that place. Gramps never told me about that island." Laxus spoke, calmly.

"But can you ask about it?" Mira asked, smiling at Laxus.

"I don't know." Laxus replied. "Wait, why are we talking about this? Do you guys plan on going on that island?"

"Hm, you could say that." Erza said. "I want to have some adventure since summer is approaching."

"Oh so you want to go to Tenrou, Erza?" Jellal clarified her.

"Well yes if I know where that place is." Erza answered.

"Then it is settled!" Mira exclaimed, stomping her hands on the table as we look at her in confusion. "We're going to Tenrou this summer!"

"Eh!? We don't even know that place exists!" Gajeel objected.

"That's why we're having an adventure!" Mira replied bluntly. "Besides, I find it challenging."

"Challenging?" Gray said, looking at Mira.

"Yup! Because we will be finding something that is extraordinary." Mira stated, wiggling her eyebrows in excitement.

"But where should we start?" Juvia asked. "We don't have the slightest idea where to begin with."

"Agree." Natsu said. "Btw I'm on this trip!"

"If Flamebrain is coming then I'll go too!" Gray stated and both them grin with each other.

"Do you even listen to Juvia? Where would you start?" Gajeel grumbled.

"Leave it to us! Right Lu-chan?" Levy exclaims and eyed me with excitement.

"And what should we do?" I asked, looking at her in confusion.

"To find answers! And where do we find them?" Levy grins.

Then it hit me. Of course! "The library!"


"Excellent! Levy and Lucy will be in charge of our locations." Mira said. I can tell she's already excited about this.

And man, more research.. It's tiring but what can I do? I'm curious about this place and I'm definitely on it!

"Okay! I'll come too!" Juvia beamed in excitement.

"Oi! I haven't agree to this." Gajeel spoke, gaining our attention.

"Come on Gajeel, don't be a party pooper." Levy teased, earning a laughing Gray and Natsu.


"Well it's true." Jellal chuckled.

"You're coming Jellal?" Gajeel asked, shocked.

Jellal smiled. "Of course, if it's with the gang then I'm on it."

"Same." Laxus added.

"So we're all going, so better come Gajeel! Levy needs you!" Mira insisted and glared at him.

"Hey! It's not like that!" Levy defended herself and pouted. Awe cute, I'll tease her after this haha.

Gajeel was thinking about it and then his eyes landed on Levy. He sighed in defeat. "Fine."

"Great! This will be fun and I can already tell it!!" Mira exclaims, winking each one of us.

I can also tell she's planning on to something. Typical Mira.


Update!! 🤗 🎉
I apologize for the wrong grammars and typos anddd Thank you for reading~❤️

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