Chapter 6

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Erza's Pov

Mira and Laxus went to rent a van and as for the rest of us, we went to the mall to buy things we needed for our trip.

"Alright!" I spoke as I saw the message Mira had sent me. "Mira already texted me that she and Laxus already had the van and now all we need is foods and useful things." I added as I place my phone back inside my sling bag.

"Luce and I will be on the foods!" Natsu volunteered with a huge smile and placed his hand on Lucy's waist which I find it suspicious.

"Okay then," I replied and Natsu quickly pulled Lucy away from us and drags her to the supermarket.

We saw them turn to the other way until they weren't in our sights.

"You know, I have a feeling that those two are already dating." Gray stated, crossing his arms and turned to look at us with a smirk.

"I thought so too," Juvia agrees.

"Hm, we'll just ask them later." I said.

Jellal then holds my hand and we went off.

Lucy's Pov

We entered the supermarket and went straight to the chips section.

Natsu was the one pushing the trolley while I was the one picking the snacks until Natsu told me something that enlightens me.

"Buy everything you want, it's on me" Natsu said and left to get something as I cheekily smiled.

I then went to my favorite section and grab everything that satisfies my stomach. Natsu came back with 5 spicy sauce. He was about to put it inside the trolley when he saw the bunch of chocolates I placed inside.

"Are you kidding me!?" Natsu exclaims, shocked upon seeing what I wanted to buy.

"What? You said everything that I want," I smiled innocently.

"Yeah, but I didn't expect - you know what? never mind."Natsu shrugged it off and pushed the trolley instead.

"You're lucky I love you," He said and I blushed. I walked beside him and give him a quick peck on his right cheek.

Natsu got taken a back and looked at me. "Only in the cheek?" He pouted as we halted.

I giggled. "We're in public."


"So?" I replied back.

We stared at each other for a minute. We were like having a staring battle until Natsu did something that I did not expected. Well, I thought it was.

Natsu kissed me.

And since I love this idiot, I kissed back. Forgetting the fact that we're in the middle of the supermarket where there are a lot of people.

We broke the kiss and I glared at him. Natsu only chuckled at my expression. "It's like we didn't make out in school."

I flushed red.

Finally, we finished picking the foods and Natsu paid it all.

"You know Luce, you ate too much but you're still fit." Natsu stated as we walk to the parking area to put the foods we bought in the car.

"Why? You don't like me being fit?" I pouted as I ate my first peppero.

"No, it's not like that." He replied. "I like you whether you're fit or fat." Natsu smiled and I was touched at his words. "I'm just amaze that you're still fit when you ate a lot of calories."

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