Chapter 14

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Third Person's Pov

"Okay, we'll tell the others about it, Gray." Jellal said and ended their call. Erza then faced him, already expecting to know what they talk about.

"Gray said they're going to stay the night at his aunt's because his aunt say so and he can't disagree." Jellal spoke, also messaging the others through their group chat.

"Oh." Was the only thing Erza could say as she understood. They left the cafe and proceeds to the restaurant to meet the others.

"So, what time are we going to the De Luna village tomorrow?" Mira asked the others. They also began eating their dinner.

Though the Jerza couple only ate moderate food since they already went to a cafe but Erza still ordered a strawberry cake.

"It's an 8 hour ride, maybe we'll go 4 in the morning?" Lucy suggested.

"That early?" Natsu whined.

"I know right." Gajeel agreed.

"How about Gray and Juvia?" Levy asked.

"They will be there but a little late." Erza answered. "So, 4 in the morning tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure." Laxus spoke and everyone agrees.

"I was also thinking that maybe we could spend night or so in the Galuna island, what do you guys think?" Mira spoke in excitement.

"I don't see why not?" Erza replied.

"That would be nice." Jellal said.

"Yeah, let's also enjoy every places we go. It would be a great memory." Lucy said as she smile.

"Okay, I'm on." Natsu said, agreeing on Mira's plan.

"Since everyone here agrees, so are we." Gajeel said and glance at Levy. "Right, shrimp?"

"Right." Levy replied with a smile.

"Perfect! I'll just message this to the Gruvia couple." Mira exclaim as she went to get her phone.

"By the way, about that Harold guy." Natsu spoke as soon he finished his dinner and this caught everyone's attention. "Are you guys sure he's here?"

"Yeah, I'm sure its him." Erza replied.

"Do you guys think he's following us?" Mira asked suspiciously while holding her phone.

"I don't think so, maybe its just a coincidence he's here." Lucy stated. "Besides, why would he follow us?"

"True but I still think we need to be cautious of him." Jellal said. "Who knows what he's up to."


And with that conversation, the gang left the restaurant, satisfied. They went back to their hotel and agreed on leaving at 3:30 so they'll catch the train at 4am.

Meanwhile, at the Gruvia couple.

"Mira told me that they'll be at the train station at 3:30am." Juvia told Gray who was laying already on the bed.

"We'll just catch the second train to De Luna village." Gray replied and Juvia agreed.

Juvia was still thinking about the Tenrou island. About what Gray's aunt told them. She said the island is indeed mysterious and the history about it is very tragic. Zeref was the only one who survived the tragic incident and later on moved to Alvarez and that is where they met and became friends.

Now, one thing that made her confused was that how did Ultear met Zeref who was also a friend of Mavis back 100 years ago. She find it very odd and thought about it very deeply. She still clearly remembered what Levy told them about Mavis' journal. The part where Zeref taught magic to Mavis.

"Hey, are you alright?" She immediately went back to reality when Gray called her.

"Ahh, yes of course." Juvia responded, but Gray raised his eyebrow while looking at her suspiciously.

"You've been staring at that comb for like 15 minutes, tell me, what's bothering you?" Gray asked her as he stood up from the bed and went in front of Juvia, crossing his hands.

Juvia sighed. "I was just thinking about what your aunt told us earlier."


"And its bugging me about this guy, Zeref." Juvia said. She wanted to tell this to Gray, heck the others and maybe her instincts were right.

"What about him?" Gray asked curiously.

"I think Zeref is immortal." And with that sentence, Gray does not know what to react. Maybe because he's thinking the same?

"Levy told us that Zeref was the one who taught magic to Mavis' friends and now your aunt told us she's a friend of him when Zeref lived at the same year of Mavis." Juvia explained. "It's complicated right?"

"I get it." Gray replied uncrossing his arms and raked his hair. "So I think Zeref is still alive huh?"

Juvia nodded his head slowly. "That's what I'm thinking."

"I think the others should know about this so that Levy can tell us more about the journal." Gray stated and went to get his phone.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Fiore...

"So, the men found some fairy tail students?"

"Yes boss, they are heading to the De Luna village tomorrow morning, according to our reliable source who had met them along the way."

"Oh," The man smirked evilly. "Keep an eye on them and when they are able to locate Tenrou, inform me immediately."

"Yes boss."

"And to that guy who's following them right now, make sure he's reliable and not a pain in the ass. Pay him a lot to make sure he won't lose those fairies."

"Yes boss." and with that, the boss' assistant left.

"Fairy Heart will be mine, just you wait Makarov."

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