Chapter 24

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Lucy's Pov

Erza ran back. Jellal and Laxus followed her. Gray and I wanted to follow but Laxus stopped us. He told us to stay, especially Gray.

Gray was annoyed at how they treated him but he end up listening.

"We need to tell the police about this." Mira stated worriedly.

"There's no police here, it's a village. Far from the city of Galuna." Gray replied.

"Should we get train tickets?" Levy suggested but then it it hit me.

"I don't have my wallet right now. Did any of you brought your wallets?" I asked and they also realized they didn't brought any.

We're too dumb to leave without bringing our wallets considering we wanted to buy magic earlier. Erza was right to get our things.

"We need to go back." I said without hesitation.

"Lucy! They said stay here, we'll stay." Mira exclaims at me. "Let them handle."

I scoffed. "Our friends are risking their lives just to save a person and our things there! We can't just stand here and wait!"

Mira was surprised at my outburst. She clearly didn't expect me to yell back.

"Lucy," Levy said softly as she holds my hand.

"No, we'll stay here. If we'll go and any of you got hurt, the blames on me." Gray said seriously.

I sighed. He's right.

"So please Lucy, as much as I wanted to go. We need to trust them. They'll be back with Nicholas and our things, safely." Gray said, trying to calm me down.

I nodded my head and breath in heavily. I slowly walks towards a nearby bench and sits down. They followed me too.

"For now, let's wait for them to come back." Gray said, trying to be strong.

Natsu's Pov

"They have a lacrima. They went to the main village to get some magic to make it work and then they'll contact their master." Nicholas said to them.

"What the fuck? He's betraying us!?" Gajeel whisper yell while we're looking at them behind the bushes.

"I see, where exactly in the main village are they going?" The man beside him asked. He was wearing an all black suite with black shades.

"Jura's shop. Precisely the equipement shop beside the fruit market." Nicholas answered.

My blood was boiling in anger. He was betraying us and to think we went back just to save him from these motherfckers.

"Alright." The man replied. He then holds something inside his right ear. "Section C, the fairies are at the equipment shop beside the fruit market. Catch any of them."

My eyes grew wide as what I just heard.

"Fuck." Gajeel cursed. "We need to leave, now."

I nodded my head as we started to leave quietly. Just you wait Nicholas. I'll punch you in the face once we meet again.

Jellal's Pov

Laxus and I were running as we followed Erza. Man this girl ran so fast. Just as we reached near the entrance to Haris' place, Erza slowed down and went to the other side to avoid the bad guys.

Laxus and I followed her direction.

"So what's the actual plan?" Laxus asked quietly.

"Get our things and leave." I replied, eyeing Erza protectively.

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