Chapter 18

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Erza's Pov

"They'll be here in 45 minutes, I guess." Jellal spoke as we arrived at the center of the village.

"That's quite long." I answered. "Why did we go this early to pick them up?" I added as I glance the place. Most shops are old style but one shop caught my attention.

"Cause we can't contact them." Jellal replied as he was looking at his phone. "My phone still don't get any signal from here, how about yours?"

I grab my phone from my sling bag and check the signal. "Nope, definitely no signal here."

I heard him sighed in frustration as he shove his phone into his pocket. "Try to be calm, this village is like the farthest from the city that's why there's no signal and look, most of the village here looks ancient."

"I know right, its like they've been living in the past. Their styles are so old." Jellal replied. "Anyways, what should we do? There's nothing to do here but to shop." Jellal added as he look at the surroundings.

"I don't know but that shop there is quite captivating." I replied as I pointed the shop I've been looking for a while. Jellal followed my gaze and whistle.

"Okay, it is really captivating." He said. "For you."

"Let's check it out?" I asked with a smile.

"I can't say no to that." Jellal chuckled as we head to the shop.

It's a shop that sells equipment so it's basically my style and Jellal knew it.

As we enter the shop, the bell rings and there were only 3 people inside. I directly went to the sword sections. I may have a hobby to collect swords since I find them fascinating. I also do fencing so yeah.

"Well, this one is nice and kinda unique." Jellal grab a silver sword with a snake handle and showed it to me.

"It does but I don't like it." I tell him honestly.

"I knew you would say that." He replied and place it back down. "How about this?"

Then he showed me another silver sword but this time, it's just a plain normal sword.

"Looks plain but elegant, don't you think?" Jellal said as he admire the sharpness of the sword.

"Totally agree with that, anyways, careful." I told him as he tried to play with it. He made poses that made him look cool as I giggle.

"Looking good huh?" I teased.

He chuckled and stopped what his doing as he carefully showed me the sword again. "Should I buy this for you?"

"No need, I'm just here to look around." I answered.

"I see you like swords?" A man then appeared besides Jellal and I think he's the owner. He was referring to Jellal about the sword.

"Uh no, she does." Jellal sheepishly smiled and hugged me in the shoulders.

The man then look at me with a smile. "I see, you know how to use swords, young lady?"

"Yes sir." I humbly said.

"In fact, she's very good in using swords." Jellal told the owner with a proud look.

"Oh really, well this sword might be great for you." He said, pointing at what Jellal is holding.

"You see, this sword might be the simplest in this store but it's actually the strongest." The owner explained.

"Really?" I asked as I look back at the sword.

"It is." He replied. "That sword can also be manage by just pressing that insignia." He pointed a rose insignia in which Jellal and I haven't noticed.

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