Chapter 3

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Lucy's Pov

"Natsu, you do know that Levy and I still had to go to the library after dismissal." I told Natsu who wanted to hang out with me after class.

"Oh right," He pouted which I find it cute. "But the library will be closed at exactly 5pm." Natsu stated and I nodded my head.

"That's why I had Levy, she's actually the second hand of the librarian." I replied cheekily.


"So, I won't be walking with you." I tell him.

"What do you mean you won't be walking with me? Luce, there is now way I'll leave you alone walking on the streets at night. That's why I'm coming with you at the library so that I get to protect you." Natsu said which made me flutter.

"After all, I'm your boyfriend right?" He grins and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"... Fine!" I replied in defeat.

Natsu and I already confessed to each other and truthfully, we are actually dating. The gang didn't know yet since we decided to keep it a secret for a while.

"Alright, see you at the library, gotta go!" Natsu quickly peck my lips and went to his class. I giggled at his cuteness and entered in my class.

Good thing no one is around.

Levy's Pov

It was already dismissal which means Lu-chan and I will be going to the school library to find something that will lead to Tenrou island. We arrived at the school library and we saw Gajeel and Natsu sitting on the couch.

"Yo!" Natsu greeted us.

"Why are you here?" I asked both of them curiously. I mean, these guys don't actually like staying in the library heck they don't like reading a book!

"Natsu is here because of me and Gajeel.. what brings you here?" Lucy answered then asked Gajeel.

Natsu is here because of Lu-chan? Ohhhh, my inner fangirl is shaking! Nalu!!

"I want to help," Gajeel answered, bored.

"Really?" Lucy said, somehow teasing him. "Or is it because Levy's here."

I suddenly flushed red at Lu-chan's statement.

"Hey!" I slightly slap Lucy's shoulder in embarrassment.

"You could say that bunny girl." Gajeel replied and I tried to hide my flushed cheeks with my palms.

Lucy laughed at my reaction and I slapped her once again.

"Okay, you two bookworms start searching for answers while I sleep here." Natsu stated and I sighed, shaking my head.

Lucy shrugged him off and walks away. I followed her and we ended up at the History section of the library.

It took us hours to find something useful but ended up nothing.

"I'm already giving up, there's no useful here." Lucy said and placed the book back at the shelf. It was her 12th book so far.

"You know Lucy, the book Mr. Gildarts brought this morning could be hidden somewhere here since it's only for the masters of this school right?" I stated, trying to think something that is useful.

"Or it couldn't have placed here since that book is confidential." Lucy replied as she grab another book that says about mysteries of islands.

Then it suddenly hits me!

Ms Berlin, the school librarian had told me something about a book that is placed in the VIP section of the library.

"Oh my! Lu-chan follow me! I think I know where to find that book!" I exclaims and ran to the VIP section where only the principal, teachers, school librarian and the second hand of the librarian knows it and that's me.

"Hey wait up!" I heard Lucy yells.

"Hey! Where are you guys going?" Gajeel also yelled as he saw us running upstairs.

I ended up in the 3rd floor of the library where a hidden door is hidden behind the bookshelf.

Lucy, Natsu, and Gajeel appeared and gave me a questioning look.

"Why are we at the Fiction section?" Gajeel asked, scanning the area.

"Because of this!" I exclaims and pulled two books together with the golden fairy tail insignia on it and the shelf starts to move and revealed a door with a VIP written on it.

"Levy you're a genius!" Natsu beamed in happiness and walks to open the door.

"Wow, a hidden door.. I didn't expect something like this. Fairy Tail sure is mysterious." Lucy said, walking beside to Natsu.

"I know I am," I proudly replied. I took a glance at Gajeel and he just gave me a smile. Awe my heart..

"But there's a password. Do you know the password Levy?" Lucy asked and I giggled.

"Of course! It's basic." I replied and typed the password which is the birthdate of Mavis which I only knew in our squad.

The door opens and there it is, the book of Fairy Tail.

The four of us quickly went inside and Lucy grabs the book. As she grabs the book, an old red journal was underneath it.

"This book is very old I can tell." Lucy stated as she scan the book. I grab the red journal and opens the front page. It says, 'Mavis' Journal'

"Alright! We got what we wanted! So does that mean were good to go?" Natsu exclaims excitedly.

"You bet!" I answered happily and the four of us left the library with a mission success.

Third Person's Pov

"Those brats," Makarov sighed as he saw everything.

The VIP room is not called VIP without security cameras. Also, Gildarts overheard them talking about it at lunch and so he decided to inform Makarov about it.

"So? What should we do about this old man?" Gildarts asked, standing behind Makarov who's still watching the cctv cameras.

"Let them be." A feminine voice said. Both of them tilted their heads to the said voice to see Mavis.

"I have a feeling that they are the chosen ones." Mavis stated.

"How sure are you about this first master?" Makarov asked facing Mavis.

"Just my calculations." Mavis smiled. "And I'm a hundred percent sure that they will find Tenrou within 10 days."

"10 days!?" Gildarts exclaims shocked. "That's so long."

"Yes," Mavis replied. "And also based on my calculations, they will start this sunday morning."

"How about class?" Gildarts asked since it was friday and summer break is still next month.

"Just excused them, I have hope that they will find Tenrou and save Fairy Tail." Mavis replied.

Makarov only sighed and agreed on Mavis.

He thought that Mavis' calculations is always right and also hope that they can save Fairy Tail from Acnalogia.

"Alright, but I will have some students to follow them. In case something happens." Makarov spoke and the three of them agreed.


Sorry for the wrong grammars.

Thank you for reading! 💕

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