Chapter 27

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Third Person's Pov

Natsu and Juvia went outside to find the guy with a mustache. Soon, they saw him being tied beside the huge tree which Mira had mentioned.

Gajeel followed them and decided to watch.

Natsu cracked his knuckles as he approach him. Without hesitation, he grab his collar and punch him very hard. The other four men saw this and they felt frightened.

They didn't expect that they were dealing a strong and brave teenagers, members of fairy tail to be exact.

Juvia also approach him and kicked his face. Good thing she was just wearing snickers and not heels. "This is for punching my beloved Gray's handsome face!"

Natsu smirks as he found a log nearby. He pick it up and smack it on his shoulder very hard. The man groaned in pain as he ask for mercy.

"Please, I beg you." He stutter in pain.

"You should've think of that before hitting a girl, not just a girl, but my girl, with a log!" Then he hit him on his other shoulder.

The villagers only look at them. They thought that they should let them be considering to what they did to their friends.

Gajeel was watching and soon realizes something. He started to walk to them and stops them from further killing the man. He was already beaten up.

"What?" Natsu asked Gajeel annoyingly for stopping them.

"We should at least ask them why they're after us." Gajeel said seriously.

Natsu threw the log away and went to grab another man's collar. The mustache guy was totally beaten so it's no use to talk to him.

"Tell me, what do you want from us?" Natsu asked with a deadly glare on the man.

The man may be older than Natsu but he was scared of him. He stayed quiet.

"Oh?" Hearing no answer, Natsu punch him straight away.

"You? Any answers to my question?" He went to other man and he still stayed quiet which he earned a great punch from Natsu.

"They won't talk." Natsu stated after punching the last man.

"Well, get that log earlier and ask them again." Juvia suggested which made them shiver.

Natsu grab the log back and ask them the same question. They were hesitant. Natsu noticed this and was about to gave them a hard smack when one man spoke.

"We'll tell you!"

"That's more like it." Gajeel smirks.

"Now, tell me, what do you want from us?" Natsu repeated his question.

"We wanted to capture one of you to make some jewels!" He exclaims.

Natsu, Gajeel, and Juvia didn't expect the answer. They knew there's more than that.

"Are you making a fool of us!" Natsu was about to whack him with the log when someone stops him.

"That's enough, Natsu." It was Jellal.

"Jellal! Erza! Laxus!" Juvia exclaims as she saw them.

"How did you find us?" Gajeel asked in curiousity but he was feeling the relief that they are now complete.

"We heard the news in the main village and one villager told us to follow them and here we are." Erza answered then he looks at the men who were tied up. "Why are you torturing them?"

"Simply because they hurt Gray, Lucy, and Mira and we wanted to know what their motive are." Natsu replied.

Laxus knew the story from the villager but it made him angrier seeing the men responsible for hurting his friends and also to his lover.

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