Chapter 23

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Third Person's Pov

Nicholas stayed behind whereas everyone went to the main village to see Jura. He was sad to know that his friend was in danger. Who knows what they'll do to him.

"If only there's a signal here, I can just call gramps." Laxus spoke while they were walking to the main village.

Gajeel who heard him, halted. "Hey, we could do that." He said in realization.

The others look at him and halted too.

"I mean, let's leave Galuna and then we'll call master once we arrived in Hargeon."

"We could but we kinda need to tell master about Haris now." Mira replied, sadly.

"I think I'm on Gajeel on this one." Gray said. This made them re-think their decisions. "I think we need to leave Galuna island like right now. It's not safe for us to be here. Those guys might be after us too."

"Gray's right." Juvia spoke in agreement. She was already feeling uneasy about the situation they are right now. Juvia thinks its their fault why they capture Haris.

Jellal looked at them. Gray was right. They need to leave Galuna for their safety. But he also thought about Haris and most especially Nicholas. They could not just leave them behind while they leave for their own safety. It was because of them why they end up like this.

"I don't know." Jellal muttered. He was unable to make a decision.

"Look, if we'll go to see Jura right now and if he knows magic, we don't know how much money he wants in return." Gajeel said, trying to win their minds.

"Shh, someone's coming." Natsu shushed them as they went quiet.

Footsteps were heard and they look at each other in panic.

"Quick, hide!" Jellal whisper yell and they quickly went behind the bushes and trees.

Moments later, men in black appeared. They were walking to get to Haris' place. They were 7 of them and this made them conclude that they might be the one who took Haris.

"Oh no, I think they're looking for us." Levy said quietly.

"Nicholas!" Mira whisper yell. If they don't find them they might harm Nicholas.

"I'll go." Natsu said out of blue. Lucy grabs his hand quickly.

"Are you crazy!?" She whisper yell angrily, concerned for his safety.

"Look, I'll run a head of them to help Nicholas escape." Natsu replied, gently removing Lucy's hand that was gripping on his left hand. "I'll be fine, let's meet each other at the main village."

"What no!"

"I'll come with you."


"Might as well go."

"Gray don't. They need you here."


"Just do what I say for once." Natsu said and quicky left with Gajeel. Lucy and Levy were trying to stop them but it was no use.

Jellal understood what Natsu meant for Gray. "Let's go, Natsu's right. If Jura can't help us then we'll go to Gray's aunt for help."

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