Chapter 21

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Third Person's Pov

"So, those teenagers were members of Fairy Tail?" Nicholas asked as he was placing their fishing equipment on their boat.

"Yes." Haris answered as he helped him.

"What do they want from you?"

"They wanted to know where Tenrou island is."

"Tenrou island?" Nicholas said as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Haven't heard about that island in my entire life but let me guess, it's a magical island from Fairy Tail?"

"I think so, if that's the word." Haris replied.

They were about to leave when some men stopped them.

"What is it now? I already paid the boat last week." Nicholas annoyingly exclaims.

He looked at the 5 men who were wearing all black with black sunglasses. "Wait, who are you?"

All of them faced Haris which surprised Nicholas. One thing he knew is that only fairy tail members can see him, except for him.

"We need you to come with us." One man spoke, referring Haris and ignoring Nicholas' question.

Haris was confused as well. "They can see me?" He thought to himself.

"Wait, are you all members from fairy tail?" Nicholas asked, looking at them curiously.

The other man glance at him. "Yes."

Haris can feel that they weren't and maybe it's a bad idea to refuse their invitation considering their appearances. They clearly have weapons with them.

He knew none of the members of fairy tail will wear something like that. He sighed knowing that they were in danger.

He looked at Nicholas who was already looking at him.

"Are you going with them?" Nicholas asked.

Haris smiled and nodded his head. "I think so." He then looked back at the men in front of them. "Alright, but let me get my jacket first."

Haris calmly walked inside their boat. He grab a paper and a pen in the drawer and wrote something for Nicholas. Then, he also grab his pocket knife and finally his jacket.

"Mavis, I think it's happening." He sadly thought and went back outside.

"I'll go now Nicholas, you can fish without me this time and oh, I left my lunch inside, you can eat it." Haris said to Nicholas.

"Alright, be safe." Nicholas replied. He watched his friend left with them and sighed. "Just me again."

He went inside the boat to start the engine when he noticed a note in the table beside it. He also realized that Haris didn't bring his lunch as seen in the table. It was only his bag and the note.

He grab the note and began reading it.

Juvia's Pov

"Let's watch the sunset together!" Mira exclaims to us. It was almost time for the sunset and we all agreed.

"Where are Erza and Jellal?" Gray asked.

"They went to explore the island but haven't come back yet." Gajeel answered.

"Oohhh, I wonder where they are right now." Mira cheekily said as she heard Gajeel. I can clearly see her small smirk.

"You have a lot a things in there huh." Laxus playfully poke Mira's forehead.

"Huh? I didn't think of that." Mira replied, innocently.

"And I didn't said anything about that." Laxus smirked and caught her. She blushed and smacked his back.

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