Chapter 7

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Lucy's Pov

"Wow! You picked the nice van Mira!" Natsu exclaims as we enter the van.

It's 5 in the morning and we decided to be early since Hargeon is a 6 hours away from Magnolia.

"Man, I'm still sleepy." Gajeel muttered.

"Oh, there will be five beds in total so you get to share with your partner," Mira winked at us.

"Nice," Natsu smirked at me and I slapped him on his shoulder.

The four beds at the back was a double deck. The top bed on the right is for me and Natsu while the bottom bed is for Levy and Gajeel. The top bed on the left is for Juvia and Gray while the bottomi bed is for Erza and Jellal.

Since Laxus will be driving today, their bed will be on top of the driver's seat.

"Alright! We're good to go!" Mira exclaims and sat at the passenger's seat and Laxus began to drive.

Third Person's Pov

Gajeel, Natsu, and Gray went to sleep since they were still sleepy. Mira let Jellal sit on the passenger's seat so that he gets to talk to Laxus. Mira starts to make breakfast with the help of Juvia. Levy was still reading the book and Lucy was beside her asking about it so that she can help while Erza went to watch tv.

"So you're saying that they have magic back then?" Lucy asked for clarification.

"Yes, Mavis mentioned here that she learned magic by reading books and also with the help of the black wizard. She didn't mention the name of the black wizard though." Levy replied.

"The black wizard, is he good or bad?" Erza asked upon hearing their conversation.

"Well, Mavis said that he's nice and sweet so I think he's good." Levy answered.

"Have you finished Mavis' diary?" Mira asked this time.

"Not yet, I'm still on the year XXXX where Yuri, Mavis' friend, found the love of his life and Mavis telling how sweet they are." Levy replied.

"Okay," Mira replied back.

It was 8 in the morning. Mira and Juvia already finished making breakfast and decided to hear some of Levy's infos about the book.

Gajeel, Natsu, and Gray woke up and went to eat breakfast.

"These are delicious." Natsu stated as he digs in.

"Are we there yet?" Gray asked and went to see outside the car window.

"Not yet," Laxus replied.

"Man, I'm getting bored." Jellal stated.

"Same," Gajeel agrees as he drinks an orange juice.

"Why don't we play a game?" Mira smirked.

"Oh boy," Lucy murmured.

Everyone gulps since they already expect what game Mira is thinking about.

"Let's play truth or dare. Laxus is an exception since he's driving the van." Mira stated.

"Fair enough." Erza response.

"We don't have a bottle though." Gray said.

"You sure about that?" Mira smirked and placed a water bottle on the table.

"We're dead," Gajeel muttered hopeless.

"If it's not Erza who's giving you a dare," Natsu stated.

"What did you say?" Erza then faced Natsu.


"Alright! I'll start first." Mira exclaims and spins the bottle. It landed on Levy.

"Oh dear," Levy muttered.

"Levy! Truth or dare!" Mira asked, smirking.

"Uh, I pick truth." Levy innocently smiled.

"Okay, What is the most thing you love about Gajeel?" Mira grins.


Gajeel was blushing behind.

"Um, I love him for being him." Levy answered, blushing.

Gajeel smirked and went to pat her head.


"Okay! My turn!" Levy then spins the bottle. It landed on Gray.

"I pick dare!" Gray exclaims, proudly.

"I dare you to sexy dance in front of Juvia!" Levy ordered.

"Easy! But no videoing!" Gray glared each one of them.

Gray then danced in front of Juvia with his sexy moves not knowing that Natsu took video of him.

"That was hilarious!" Natsu laughed and quickly hide his phone.

"Next!" Gray yelled and spins the bottle. It landed on Natsu.

"Oh, well you look at that!" Gray smirked.

"I choose dare!" Natsu proudly yells.

"Alright then, I dare you to roughly kiss Lucy for 15 seconds!" Gray ordered.

"Easy!" Natsu exclaims and went to Lucy.

"Wait what!?? Gray!!" Lucy yells and later on, Natsu roughly kissed Lucy on her lips for 15 seconds or so.

"Damn, want to try that Shrimp?" Gajeel teased Levy.

"Shut up!" Levy replied, flushing red.

"Next!" Natsu then spins the bottle and it landed on Jellal.

"I pick dare," Jellal said, crossing his arms.

"Since Gray asked me to kiss Lucy roughly, I dare you to give Erza a hickey on her neck. Make it visible though." Natsu smirked.

"I'm gonna get you later Natsu!" Erza glared at him.

"My pleasure," Jellal replied and gave Erza a hickey on her neck. It was visible and so Erza went to wear a turtle neck shirt.

"This if fun!" Mira squeels, holding a camera. She was taking pictures and videos all the time.

Jellal then spins the bottle and it landed on Mira.

"Ohhhh, truth or dare Mira?" Jellal asked.

"Since I'm not a killjoy, I will pick dare!" Mira exclaims.

"Okay, I dare you to sit on Laxus' lap while he's driving for a minute." Jellal said.

"Isn't that a bit dangerous?" Lucy asked.

"Nope." Jellal reassured. Then Mira sat on Laxus' lap for a minute.

"That's so easy!" Mira humbly said.

"Guys, we have a problem." Their fun was cut off by Laxus.

"What is it?" Jellal asked.

Author's Note:

Hello hellooo!! already 500+ readers !! Thank you so much for reading!! & I'm very sorry for the super duper late update. I'll be editing the chapters so maybe I will update this book often hopefully! ❤️

Btw, I'm very sorry for the wrong grammars.


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