Chapter 28

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Levy's Pov

Cancel this trip?

I kinda feel disappointed.

Don't ge me wrong, I also want to prioritize our safety and I don't want any of my friends get hurt again. It's just that, all of our hardwork will end up nothing. Our goal was to reach Tenrou island but because of this greedy guild, we have no choice but to return home to be safe.

Heck, we haven't been this close in reaching Tenrou. This adventure would be great but ugh stupid Hades for wanting that jewel.

Why would he want to be more powerful? unless if he wanted to rule the world, pft. Wait that might be possible, but nevertheless, he can't find that jewel. So, I pity him.

Jellal came back with Jura.

Jura Neekis, one of the wizard saints. It's such an honor to have him here with us.

"I'm relieved that nothing bad happens to some of you. Although some of you are injured, all of you are still in good terms." Jura said, placing the lacrima at the center.

Later on, Master appeared on the lacrima.

Wow, this is amazing! I grab my phone from my bag and take pictures of it.

"Everyone, I'm glad you're safe now." Master said as soon he sees everyone. "How are you feeling, Gray, Mira, and Lucy?"


"We're good."

"Yeah, feeling better!"

"That's good to hear." Master sighed in relief. "Anyways, I sent a ship to Galuna. The ship will take you back to Hargeon and there, I also sent some members to pick you all up, safely."

"Thanks gramps." Laxus smiled.

"Are we not in trouble when we come back?" Natsu asked master.

"Don't worry, you're not. But I have a task for you all when you come back." Master smiled.

I gulped. I hope it's not academic related.

"See you tomorrow afternoon, for now, take some rest. It's already midnight." Master said and disappeared from the lacrima.

I later realized that it's already midnight. What a night it was from us.

"Are we safe here to stay?" Juvia asked.

"Don't worry, I already talked to the chief of this village, Moka. He said he's fine with it and they will keep you safe from those who are looking for you. He will meet you tomorrow." Jura replied, getting his lacrima back.

"Are you gonna leave us here?" Erza asked Jura.

He shook his head. "I'll stay to keep you all safe."

"Thank you." I said with a smile. It really means a lot. Now that we're somehow protected, we can peacefully take a rest.

They also thank Jura and he later leave and went to the other hut to stay.

Good thing this hut is big. The ten of us can fit here. There are only three beds which were occupied by Gray, Mira, and Lucy. The villagers gave us extra pillows and blankets as we thanked them. We all decided to sleep on the ground since it was not pretty bad to lay in.

We have our things with us except for the tents we left at Haris' place.

Speaking of Haris, I hope he's alright and also Nicholas but he somehow betrayed us. I sighed. This is our fault.

"Damn, this day was unexpected." Gajeel spoke as he comfortly lays in the mat "We deserve a good sleep."

"We sure do." Jellal replied tiredly, already closing his eyes.

"So I guess this is it." Mira said with a hint of sadness on her voice. "We're going home tomorrow without going to Tenrou."

"Mira, you know its too dangerous to continue." Laxus stated.

"I know. It's just sad." She replied and I somehow agree.

"What if we'll ask master to bring us to Tenrou?" Natsu said with a smile.

"Yeah, like he will do that." Gray responded back tiredly.

"Who knows?" Lucy sided Natsu.

Half of us were hoping but some were wanting to go home. But for me, I hope we can see Tenrou just for a day. I smiled as a close my eyes to sleep.


Morning came. The villagers kindly gave us breads and milk for breakfast. It was already 8 in the morning. Although we badly want to sleep more, we can't because Jura already told us that the ship is already waiting for us. We might as well continue to rest in the ship.

I'm thankful that Master sent us a ship instead of a normal boat.

As we were fixing our stuffs, an old looking man entered our hut with Jura. I assume he's the chief of the village.

"A pleasant morning to you all, I'm Moka, the chief of this village." He introduced himself with smile.

We greeted him back and thanked him for saving our friends and letting us stay for a night.

"It's not a problem at all, Makarov is an old friend of mine after all." He smiled. "I hope those who got hurt is feeling well now?"

Lucy smiled as she stood up. "I'm feeling great now."

"Me too!" Mira exclaims, grateful.

"My back still hurts but its manageable." Gray said as he also stood up from the bed.

"That's good to hear." Moka replied and faced Jura. "I guess you have to accompany them to the ship now."

Jura nodded his head. "Let's get going now."

Again, we sincerely thanked Moka and the other villagers who helped us. Moka told us that the bad men were already sent to the authority earlier this morning.

We head to the nearest port and we already saw the ship that was meant for us. Simply because it has a fairy tail insignia on it.

"Everyone!" We were surpised to see Wendy, Romeo, Freed, and Lisanna on the ship, waving at us.

I instantly look at Lucy and she was already in a bad mood. Oh dear, why is she here?

"Makarov sent them to accompany you to Hargeon for I will not be able to come with you." Jura said.

"Thank you for helping us, Jura." Jellal said and we all followed to thank him.

Jura only smiled. "Now go,"

We hop on the ship as we wave goodbye to Jura.

"Man, I'm going to rest." Gray tiredly spoke as he went to find a room.

"Me too." Gajeel said and looked at me.

"Aren't you tired?" He asked.

"I am," I yawned as he messily rub my hair.

"Then let's go find us a room." He slighlty smirk but I slap his arm while blushing as I hurriedly went to follow Gray to find a spare room.

I heard Gajeel chuckle behind as I rolled my eyes with a pounding heart.

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