Chapter 5

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Double Update! cause this book have 179 views and 21 votes! Thank you so much!🥰💕

Third Person's Pov

"Alright! Tell us what you got Levy!" Mira exclaims.

The gang were in Gray's house. They were scattered on the floor in the living room with bunch of snacks placed on the center. They all then went their attention to Levy, waiting for her to tell them what she had discovered.

"So, we all know that Tenrou is an island right?" Levy started and they nodded their heads. "It says here that it is located in the center of the ocean and nothing more."

"Does that mean you didn't find anything?" Gray asked, munching some chips.

"About the location, yes." Levy replied, looking at Gray.

"Damn, so how do we get there if we don't know where to find it." Jellal spoke, resting his head in his arm.

"Do you find anything else Levy-chan?" Lucy asked this time.

Levy then turned to Lucy with a smile. "Yes, I do."

Everyone then sighed in relief, hoping that Levy knew something about where this island may be.

"I don't know where the exact location is but I think I know where to start." Levy said, taking Mavis' journal in her pack bag.

"Wow, really? Where?" Natsu asked wiping his mouth after finishing his 14th spicy chicken.

"Let me explain this first." Levy said and opens the journal where she had put a bookmark.

"At year XXXX, Mavis says she went to the land of fishes. In the past, the name of each cities are called land of fishes, land of moon, and so on. I searched it on the internet and found that the Land of Fishes is the place of Hargeon." Levy explained.

"So does that mean we start at Hargeon?" Erza asked, peacefully eating her strawberry cake.

"Exactly." Levy answered.

"You said that Tenrou is located in the middle of the ocean. But where could that be? There's tons of islands that is in the middle of the ocean near in Hargeon." Laxus stated, crossing his arms.

"Yes, and if we start in Hargeon... How do we know where to find Tenrou? We might be lost in the middle of the ocean though." Jellal added, agreeing to Laxus.

"I do get your point but I have backups." Levy winked. "You see, Mavis mentioned the land of fishes which is Hargeon. She also mentioned the land of Moon, the land of Hunters, and Alavarez."

"Okay, go on.." Erza said.

"I researched them all and the first place we go is Hargeon since it's the nearest city in Magnolia. Then we ride a boat to the land of Moon which is the Galuna Island since it's the nearest island in Hargeon. We might get answers there because Mavis mentioned she had an old friend there named, Haris." Levy explained.

"Ohh, I get your point there Levy." Mira grins. "This will be fun! You know? Adventure stuffs!"

"Yes, I totally agree!" Juvia agrees, smiling.

"So we go to Hargeon, then Galuna island, then find this dude named Haris to find answers." Gajeel said, more like a question while looking at Levy in confusion.

"Correct!" Levy answered and Gajeel nodded his head in understanding.

"Alright then! We go first thing in the morning this monday!" Mira chirped as she stood up.

"Eh!? How about class?" Lucy asked, bewildered.

"Who cares about that?" Gray cooly said.

"I can take care of that." Jellal smirked. He's the student council president after all. He can easily asked gramps an excuse and then they're off the hook.

"Brilliant! And as for me and Laxus, we'll find a perfect van for the whole of us." Mira stated.

"Alright! I'm fired up!" Natsu exclaims in excitement.

Mira's Pov

Laxus told me he knew someone who owns a van for road trip. You know? A van with a mini kitchen, a comfort room, and beds. That kind of van.

"Alright, here we are." Laxus said as he parked the car.

We went inside the shop and saw tons of vans.

"Laxus! What brings you here?" A man exclaims, seeing Laxus. "Oh, you must be Laxus' girlfriend?" He asked upon seeing me.

"Yes, I am." I answered and then he starts to tease Laxus.

"Macao, we're here to rent a van." Laxus said, clearly ignoring his teasing.

"Oh! Of course, you can pick whatever you like." Macao replied, showing us different styles of vans.

In the end, we picked the van with modern style. It has five beds, four in the back and one on top of the driver's seat. It has a mini kitchen which I find it cute and nice. A simple comfort room and it has tv on the mini living room. (picture above)

The van is not quite big nor small. I can say that it's perfect for the gang and so we decided to rent it.

"Alright, this baby is yours." Macao gave Laxus the keys and now all we need is our daily foods.

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