𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐚𝐥'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫

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Onika's pov

West Brooke highschool

I was standing at my locker with my best friend Robyn, she was talking about God knows what.

I swear, I wasn't even listening.

When Beyonce Knowles otherwise known as the Queen B of the school walked past me but not before pushing my books to the floor.

But I didn't care about that, Beyoncé freaking Knowles touched my books!

Yes she's a bully, but then again all that doesn't matter when you have a massive ass crush on her—Like who wouldn't?

I've had a crush on her ever since freshman year but now we're seniors and even with that my feelings for her still hasn't changed.

I was taking out of my trance by Robyn's deep accented voice.

"You okay, let me pick that up for you." She said leaning down to pick them up.

"Don't worry, it's fine I got it." I replied picking them up myself.

"God, Nika did you see Kelly's fine ass this morning."

You see how she just changed from all loving and caring trying to pick up my books for me to a love sick puppy.

The thing is that, Robyn has a crush on Kelly, Beyonce's bestfriend. Yes, I know that girl has a death wish and so do I.

But we both know we don't stand a chance as people like to label us as the biggest losers in school.

Bell rang for first period which is biology with Mrs.Taraji, I and Robyn don't take biology together so it was kinda boring. The only class, I take with Robyn is English.

After first period we had second period math, third period French and I take this class with none other than Queen bey herself.

I sat at my usually assigned seat at the back minding my own damn business when Beyoncé decided it would be a good idea to seat next to me.

"Hey loser." she smiled, I could tell it was fake.. obviously.

"Hey." I replied emotionless cause, I was in no mood for her pettiness.

But I was low-key happy she was even talking to me.

Through out the class she kept bothering me and stepping on my foot on purpose, well long story short we got detention for all the noise we were making at the back.

School dragged on and on as usual but soon lunch came by and I got to luckily spend it with Robyn, we were sitting at the back of the cafeteria when Beyoncé and the rest of the cheerleading squad including Kelly came and dumped food all on our heads, I was so tired of this I don't even know where I got the built up courage and just did the same back.

And before you know it some kid screamed FOOD FIGHT!!! And the next thing you know the whole cafeteria was like a war zone when principal Knowles walked in, and yes the principal is Beyonce's mum, "Who started this?!" she screamed and the whole cafeteria was silent you could even hear the clock tick.

Until this kid, I don't even remember his first name, no one does. But I think his last name was Smith or something had the audacity to say it was I and Beyoncé he didn't even mention anyone else's name, I and Beyoncé both shot him a death glare on cue.

But I guess, I was more angry than her because it's all her fault I'm even in this predicament right now.

And can you believe principal Knowles didn't even give me a chance to explain myself.

"Both of you to my office now." She said calmly—but I could see she wasn't calm at all— while Beyoncé was standing next to me mumbling a bunch of incoherent words, I didn't quite get, lucky for her or I would have snitched.


Long time no see.

I guess this is my longest chapter.. for now.

Part 2 or not?

- Author 🌈🍹

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