𝐀𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩 [2]

701 35 9

"Nika, wake up!" Beyoncé said for the umpteenth time already feeling the frustration brewing in her chest.

"No, lemme 'lone" Nicki whined using the plush pillows to cover her ears rolling to the other side of the queen sized bed.

It'd been exactly two months since Nicki had come to stay with Beyoncé and the older woman couldn't say it was exactly... Peachy.

"I need to go to work and you're tagging along, I'm not leaving you here alone, so get up before you get your behind whooped!" Beyoncé said walking out the room.

She just knew the little would get up and listen not wanting to get her butt whooped, the last time that happened she didn't speak to Beyoncé for two whole weeks.

"Meanie!" Nicki screamed making sure Beyoncé heard her before walking into the bathroom.

Beyoncé just shook her head at the youngers antics, she'd been acting like this all week, now she was getting kinda pissed but was still trying to understand the reason for the girls sudden attitude.


A chaotic hour and thirty minutes later and they were finally in the car.

"Onika, I am gonna ask you for the last time what is your problem?!" Now Beyoncé was mad cause the younger girl was crying and throwing a temper tantrum cause she made her put on seatbelt.

Nicki didn't give her a verbal response but instead started crying louder.

Beyoncé just let her not having the strength to deal with her, she was already stressed as it was, Nicki stopped crying awhile after but kept hiccupping.

Beyoncé just passed her a bottle of water not taking her eyes of the road, "t-thank you"

The reply sounded less babyish so Beyoncé guessed she wasn't in headspace anymore..

"You done?"

"Y-yes, I'm sorry" Nicki replied looking out the window not sparing a single glance in her direction.

"Are you ready to tell me what's wrong now?"

"It's just I.. miss my dad so much, and I don't even know if he cares or feels the same" By now the tears had started streaming down her face once again.

Beyoncé slowly maneuvers the car to the side if the road, parking the car before reaching her hands out to grasp Onika's much smaller one's in hers.

"Sorry baby, you think you wanna see them?" Beyoncé asked hesitantly, not knowing if Onika would respond positively to it.

"N-not yet" she said shaking her head slowly, her anxiety just wouldn't let her.

She didn't want to be embarrassed or shamed in front of Beyoncé knowing what the older woman would do.

And she surely didn't need that type of altercation between Beyoncé and her parents.

They stayed there for awhile, Beyoncé already giving up on trying to arrive early knowing that she was already about an hour late.

When Nicki had finally calmed down and told her she was alright they started moving again.

By the time they'd gotten to the office, it was almost ten: thirty.

"Ms. Knowles?" Her assistant Kimmy said as soon as she walked into the lobby.

Nicki immediately gripped tightly to her arm looking round the room, seeing as it was her first time being here.

"You had a meeting scheduled around 9.30 and they're waiting I'm your office, I tried calling you multiple times but you weren't picking up" the woman stressed out.

"Oh my.. sorry Kimmy, I totally forgot about that, I'm gonna go see them now" She said stalking towards the elevator with Nicki gripped on her arm.

As soon as they got into the elevator, Beyoncé pulled out her phone and indeed there were about five missed calls and texts, she just canceled them out her notifications before looking through the schedule Kimmy had sent her the day prior.

The elevator doors dinged before opening up, Nicki walked out first Beyoncé following close behind.

Beyoncé looked towards her as the little was being suspiciously quiet since the car ride, usually she'd be bothering her telling her about this or that, even down to cocomelon.

But now she wasn't saying anything at all.. "you okay?" She asked.

"Y-yeah, mommy" she said looking towards the floor.

They arrived at Beyoncé's office not too long after, Beyoncé opening the door for them.

The two people in the room, turned towards the door at the sound of it opening..

"N-nika?" The man said sounding both overjoyed and stunned.

Nicki didn't even give him a reply looking between them both, the woman had a sharp glare on her face.

Beyoncé just stood to the side awkwardly guessing that those were her parents, I mean the resemblance between herself and her mother was impeccable.

"So you get kicked out the house and you're first decision is to become a sugar baby, I always knew you were good for nothing!" The woman says with high disdain.

"Carol!" The man warned but before he could go any further Nicki had ran out the room.

"Both of you get the fuck out my office now, Deal is off!" Beyoncé said sharply following behind Nicki who was walking at a fast pace in the direction of the elevator.

She was sobbing, as soon as the elevator doors opened she walked inside Beyoncé immediately following behind.

Beyoncé pressed all elevator buttons knowing that they'd be in there awhile.

"I'm so sorry, I really didn't know they were your parents" Beyoncé immediately started apologizing.

Nicki slid down the way sobbing into her palms uncontrollably mumbling a bunch of words.

"I hate them.. I hate them.. I hate them!" the she kept saying.

Beyoncé was honestly torn between two worlds, she really wanted to go back out there and give her parents a piece of her mind but on the other hand she knew she had to comfort the younger girl and let her know it was okay.

Settling for the later, she pressed a bunch of random buttons on the elevator knowing they where going to be in here awhile before sliding down next to Nicki.

Nicki instictly rested her head on the older woman's shoulder, still sobbing into her neck.

"You still love me r-right?" She softly asked using the back of her palms to wipe away at her tear stained face.

"Of course I do, your the best thing to ever happen to me nicnac and don't ever let anybody tell you otherwise, your parents were stupid to let someone as beautiful and as precious as you are go without as much as a single thought.." Beyoncé spoke into the girls ear using her own palms to wipe at her face.

"I-I don't need them no more, c-cause I have you" Nicki whispered gazing into her eyes for awhile, before leaning in slowly pecking her lips.

Beyoncé deepening the kiss, they'd been together awhile but this was the first time they'd kissed at least on the lips.

"I love you so much nicnac" Beyoncé smiled placing a kiss on her temple.

"I love you more BB"


Double Update ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

Yeah probably ↓↓↓↓

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