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Beyoncé was sitting in the cafeteria, with a few of her friends who were discussing about something, she was paying absolutely no mind to. At all.

Her mind was set on the girl who was sitting at the back, on an empty table all by herself, picking at her food and staring at everybody passing by her table with sad eyes.

She was dressed in a grey hoodie and matching sweatpants.

'She's really cute, but lonely' Beyoncé thought to herself.

'maybe, I could be her friend' she thought again.

But, she knew she couldn't just walk up to the girl, for many reasons and the main one being she was in a group of popular students and she talking to an absolute nobody would totally ruin her rep.


Beyoncé's pov

"Class, for our history project, it'll be a group one, we'll be talking about black history and slave trade of the early blacks, it will be three people in a group but since we have an odd number in this class, one group will have to be two.." our teacher Mrs. Smith says,... I know a really white name for a black history teacher.

"So, Robyn, Kelly and Aubrey your in one group..." she stated and I tuned everything else she said out until one sentence caught my attention.

".... Onika and Beyoncé your in one group and I want this project in on Monday." wait a minute who's Onika?

"Please sit beside your partners and get your projects started on." She said before going over to her desk to go do whatever teachers do with their time.

I decided to just sit and wait for my partner to walk towards my table seeing as I don't even know who they are.

Not too long later the cute girl from lunch walked towards my table.

Oh so her name is Onika. Interesting.

"H-hi." she said shyly taking a sit on the chair next to mine.

"Sup." I reply back trying to sound cool, but deep down I'm so freaking nervous right now.

"Umm, the p-project let's do it at my house.... But only if i-its okay with you." she mumbles scratching her nape awkwardly.

"Your house is fine." I smile.


"So... can I have your number" I said.


"Your number, y'know for the project?" I said knowing fully well I didn't want her number only for the project.

"Ok, gimme your phone.." she said, so I handed her my phone and she typed her number in saving it as

'Nicki ❤️'


We just finished the project, which took us about two hours to get done.

I already called my mom telling her that I'd be late and Nicki's—she let me call her that—parents went on a business trip and she has no siblings which means she's the only one in this huge ass house.

"I'm so bored!" I said stretching on her queen sized bed.

"S-sorry." she apologizes guiltily.

"Why the heck are you apologizing, let's go find something fun to do." I smiled getting up doing a little stretch.

"Mhm, we could watch a movie in the theater room?"

"Yeah, let's just get some snacks from your kitchen, I'm sure your parents wouldn't mind plus y'all have a ton of snacks." I said already walking out the door.



Soon we were both cuddled up in the theater room surrounded by a bunch of snacks and blankets.

"What movie should we watch?" I asked switching through movies on Netflix.

"Mhmm, the notebook?" she smiles.

"I've never watched it before, but I'd like to watch it now." I said smiling like an idiot.

Ominiscent pov

Thirty minutes into the movie and Beyoncé kept staring at Nicki's side profile, when Nicki felt eyes on her she looked in Beyonce's direction to catch her staring.

"Y'know it's kinda rude to stare." she said softly.

But Beyoncé wouldn't take her eyes off her, it was like she was stuck in a trance and she herself couldn't take her eyes of Beyoncé.

'She's so cute' they both thought.

And before you know it they were both leaning in until their lips collided in a kiss, it was like butterflies erupted in their stomach and the whole world just stopped.

"NICKI, WE'RE HOME!" and the door to the theater room opened revealing..

Her parents..


The end.

Or is it?

Anyways, vote, comment and follow.

Love all my readers, and thanks to the amazing people spending time out of their day to read my book 💓

- Author 🌈🍹

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