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Onika had been sitting on the pristine white couch in her beautiful New York City mansion, and her girlfriend of three years still hadn't arrived.

It was their third year anniversary and they had planned to have a nice dinner but beyoncé had insisted on going out to get a little gift for her girlfriend.

That was almost five hours ago, she wasn't picking up her phone and wasn't answering her texts.

Nicki tried her best to remain calm but she couldn't help the unnerving feeling that something bad was gonna or had already happened..

She called almost everyone of beyoncé's friends, even her parents and sister but no one seemed to know where Beyoncé was.

"Maybe.. it's just traffic holding her up and her phone probably died to.. I mean it is New York" Nicki told herself trying to calm her racing heart.


Nicki woke up to sounds coming from the kitchen, taking slow steps she walked there hoping it wasn't some sort of homeless man that found his way into their apartment, but was instead met with the sight of her girlfriend setting up a few dishes on the table.

"Beyoncé where the hell have you been?!" Nicki asked worriedly "and why are you covered in dirt and blood?!" At this point Nicki felt slightly nauseous.

"Can we just have this dinner?" Beyoncé asked softly "also.. I got you something" she said pulling out a golden heart locket placing it in Nicki's hands..

"It's beautiful" Nicki gushed placing it around her neck.

Beyoncé didn't say anything back but instead stared at her with nothing but pure admiration..

"You're acting weirder than usual" Nicki said taking a seat with Beyoncé doing the same..

"Sorry 'bout that" Beyoncé said lowly..

That was the last thing said as Nicki started eating the food before her, a little while later she put her head up,
"Why aren't you eating, is the food not good?" Nicki asked

"Do you love me?" Beyoncé replied with another question.

"Of course I do" Nicki laughed nervously feeling a little off with beyoncé's vibe right now "why are you asking that?"

"I just.. I love you okay" Beyoncé said sadly "And I'm leaving, I don't want you to forget about m-me" she said lowly in a barely hearable tone.

"What's up with you, I don't understand...."

At this point Nicki was very confused, but she couldn't finish her sentence as the sound of the loud ringing of her phone sounded loudly around the almost quiet room.

"I'm.. just gonna go answer this" Nicki nervously said getting up from her seat.

"Nicki..." Beyoncé said when the shorter girl was about to walk out, "I love you"

"Um... Okay" Nicki said picking up the call walking towards the living room.


"Is this Ms.maraj?" The person on the other line inquired in a chipped and professional tone.

"Yeah it is"

"Well I'm calling from living faith hospital, we just had a patient rushed into the er and you were one of her emergency contacts" Nicki could feel her stomach turn at this point and she felt slightly dizzy

"Who..who..?" She couldn't even get her words out, for her to be on the person's emergency contacts, the person must've known her a whole lot.

"Beyoncé Knowles, she's in critical condition and probably won't make it"

"Are you fucking crazy, is this some sort of prank call or something?" She was officially confused.

"Ma'am you're gonna have to calm down, and come to the hospital-" she immediately cut the line not being able to listen to what the lady was saying no more.

Running into the kitchen, Beyoncé was... Gone.

"Beyoncé? B? BB?" She asked but there was no sign of her ever being here, except the golden heart locket.

She opened it and there was only one thing engraved in it.....




A single tear drop fell down her cheeks as she screamed and cried for what seems like hours, I guess she could never get over the passing of her lover.


So I calculated the the stats and my new book is gonna be....

*Drum roll please*


Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter and see you on my next one ✌🏽

- Author 🌈🍹

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