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Beyoncé's pov

I was sitting on the front porch of my house, staring at the moving truck that was across the street, packing up the rest of my best friend Kelly's things.

You see the thing is that Kelly's mom got a new job, but it is all the way in California which means that she has to leave Houston.

I'm on the verge of breaking down but, I'm trying to be strong for both of us.

I went outside and gave her one last hug.

"I'm gonna miss you girl" I smiled sadly.

"I'm gonna miss you too" she said with tears in her eyes which were threatening to fall any moment from now.

"Bye and make sure you don't forget to call me" I told her.

"Promise" she replied.

I gave her one last hug before watching her get into the car with her mom.

As soon as she was in, I ran to my room and locked the door, I couldn't hold it in anymore, I was full on bawling out.

"Giselle?!" I heard my mom say from downstairs.

"Yeah mama" I replied.

"Come downstairs dinner is ready"
I walked down the stairs not too long after, I had to clean myself up cause I looked horrible..all that crying didn't do me any justice at all.

Once I was settled at the dining table it was so quiet, so my mom decided to break it.

"Honey, I know you're gonna miss Kelly a lot but at least lighten up a bit"

"How can I, when my best friend right from kindergarten literally just moved out of state mhmm" I said with a bit of an attitude.

"First, watch the attitude before I smack it right out of you, second you still have a bunch of friends I mean you have Michelle and Robyn but if you miss her that much, you can still call her, I mean your phone didn't move out of state too" she said.

"Ok, mama" I said.

After dinner, I helped clean up the dishes and went to bed.

~A few weeks later~

I and Kelly have been talking a lot on phone and I really miss her but I'm trying to not let it get to me too much.

Anyways, I was laying on the couch watching TV, mama was at work.
I was watching keeping up with the Kardashians, I hate that show I'm not even sure why I was watching it.

When, I'd seen a girl around my age getting a bunch of boxes from a moving truck and keeping it in front of Kelly's old house.

She was short, with jet black hair and brown eyes.

I was watching her and trying to be discreet.

But I guess she saw me when she waved at me 'shit' I thought moving away from the window I had reached to get a better look.

We ain't gonna be friends no way, no day.

~ 3 days later ~

I just came back from school but as I got inside, I heard voices coming from the living room and as I walked in, I was greeted by my mom, an unfamiliar face and that girl from across the street.

"Hey, Beyoncé this is Carol and her daughter Onika" my mom said.

"Hey" I replied and walked up to my room and just decided to listen to some music to keep my mind distracted from what was going on downstairs.

Until I heard a knock sounding from the door. So I got up to go check who it was.

"Um.... he-hey Beyoncé, I just want to ask if you know where the restroom is" she said nervously.

"Yeah, it's down the hall to your left. bye Olivia" I told her.

"It's On-" she tried to say.

But I slammed the door shut before she could finish her sentence.

I know harsh right but, I'm still a little caught up in my feelings.

~ 1 week later ~

"Well, onika has been trying to talk to me all week but I just completely shut her out.

And can you believe she is even in my school, gosh that girls' presence annoys me" I told Kelly while on the phone with her.

"Girl, calm down why not just try to be friends with her, you don't know she may even become your second best friend" Kelly said with this stupid ass grin on her face.

"No way, I just want you to come back your my only bff and no little girl from New York is just gonna come and change that."

"Is that why you're acting like you got a stick up your ass, girl chill with all that" she said.

"Yeah sure, talk to you later, love ya"

"Love you too" she said and with that I cut the phone.

~ a little while later ~

I'm walking to the convenience store when this onika decided to come bother me again.

"So Beyoncé I was thinking do you wanna hang out with me on Saturday" she said with a smile on her face.


"Please, just this once" she said

"No you have to be at least 5'5 to hang out with me, midget" I said with a huge smirk plastered on my face.

"I ... Beyoncé why do you hate me so much" she said with a huge frown on her face, she looked like she was on the verge of tears but I couldn't care less.

"Please go bother someone else" With that she just walked off.

Couldn't care less.


Btw they are 16 in this book.

Part 2 or not ?

I think imma do a double update next for Principals daughter and this if you like it.

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- Author 🌈🍹

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