𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

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The weather was so hot outside, the sun was in full rise and was blazing hot.. but that's just how it was during the summers.

Especially in Houston, Beyoncé wiped off her head with the back of her palm as she took of her shirt tying it around her waist leaving her in only a white singlet and ripped blue jeans, that was stained in mud.

"Hey B! You heard the news?" One of the other workers Tyrone or as Beyoncé liked to call him Ty said as he walked into the stable.

He was the only person she'd liked in this place, especially since he was the one that put in a good word for her making her get this job.

She swears she owes him her life, knowing fully well about how she was struggling in paying the bills for her mother's failing health, she was desperate and he was the only one that helped her.

"Yeah?" She asked continuing to pack up a few hay she was going to feed the horses later.

"I heard from a few guys that boss is coming over to this side tomorrow." He said grinning like he'd just found a solution to stop world hunger.

"So?" She asked wondering what she was supposed to do with the information, she was just a minor worker here so it wasn't like she had any real business to discuss with the boss.

"So? What'd you mean by that. He's coming here tomorrow with his family, I even heard he had kids and one fine ass daughter" Ty said rubbing his palms together like some villain from a cheap ass movie.

"One I don't care, two stop listening to pointless gossip and do your work before you lose your job" she said shaking her head.

"Yes mom" he laughed putting his hands in a salute motion before joining her to pick up hay.


The sun had soon begun to set and Beyoncé was just finishing up the last of her work before she then started heading home, her house was about a twenty minute walking distance from the ranch.

She decided to walk the distance not wanting to remove a single penny from the money she'd earned today, all the money she'd made was for either her mother's bills or food, so removing anything would be critical.

Walking up the cobblestone path she opened up the door to their small one bedroom house, dropping her bag on the couch she walked into the room were her mother slept soundly, sighing she walked into the room pressing a soft kiss to her mother's head before walking back out, opening the fridge she saw it empty making her sigh, she needed to go grocery shopping and get her mother's medicine.

She could feel herself slowly cracking as the days went by.. all she needed now was just a ray of hope or something, just a sign.


The next day came by faster than expected, Beyoncé realized she'd woken up late, hurriedly she got up opting to take a bath to get yesterday's musk off her, she then wore a plain blue shirt with another pair of ripped jeans, dropping a few dollars on the table and a note telling her mother that she'd already left and to use the money to order in something.

By the time she'd gotten to the ranch she was already about thirty minutes late and to her luck the boss was around and was addressing all the workers leaving all eyes to be on her as she quietly walked over to Tyrone.

But one person's eye in particular stayed glued to her from her entrance to her slightly embarrassed face, analysing the girl's features.. she was beautiful.

"I thought boss man had no business with any of the minor workers?" Beyoncé quietly whispered to Ty.

"I thought so too.."

"You may all be dismissed!" The man then said as all the other workers started moving around trying to get to their daily duties- Beyoncé and Tyrone too.

"What was he talking about?" Beyoncé asked Tyrone as they both approached the horse stables.

"He was just talking about how he'd be here for the next three months, and he'd be keeping an eye out on our work, he also introduced us to his kids" he shrugged.

"Who are?"

"Micaiah and Onika, I told you his daughter was fine as fuck, standing there looking all pretty and shit" he said looking lovesick.

"You make me sick" beyoncé said scrunching her face up at his weirdness.

"Oh hush, you know you love me" he said winking at her.

Beyoncé only rolled her eyes in response, knowing fully well it was true. Even though he was annoying to no end she still loved him.

She wondered how the entire day was gonna play out and something in her made her actually want to meet the Onika girl that had her friend all love drunk.


Part 2 or no?

Hope you liked the update ✨

See you on my next one and ✌🏽

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