𝐀𝐭 𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩

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Beyoncé yawned for the umpteenth time feeling her eyes getting heavy, she sighed deciding that was enough work for the day.

She switched off her laptop, turning around in her seat getting up and walking out of her office.

Beyoncé Giselle Knowles- A very renowned name in the fashion industry, she was a very famous fashion designer and had worked with top fashion brands like Armani, Prada, Louis Vuitton and many others, at this point she truly was at her peak.

She walked into her room going over to her ensuite bathroom.

Pulling off all her garments of clothing she got into the tub, sighing at the warm feeling of the water against her skin.

She switched on her bathroom playlist laying her head on the edge of the tub, slowly feeling her eyes dropping.

She'd overworked herself.

She was always working and never really had time for herself, she even spent her free time working, she really needed to loosen up a bit.

A few moments later Beyoncé woke up and looked around finding herself still in her bathroom.

"Damn, I didn't think I was that tired." she mumbled to herself getting out the tub, and taking her towel of the rack.

She walked into her room and to her closet picking out a silk nightgown and robe.


Beyoncé suddenly woke up out of bed due to the slightly loud knocking on her front door.

She sighed rolling her eyes thinking it would just be her best friend, who honestly didn't know the meaning of time.

"What do you want?" She asked firmly opening the door, but her eyes softened at the sight before her.

There was a woman standing there wearing unicorn pyjamas and holding a little stuffed animal, she was soaked as it was raining heavily outside.

"S-sorry." the girl mumbled hearing the tone in the ladies voice.

"No need to apologize, please come in." Beyoncé ushered stepping aside for the woman who hesitantly walked in.

Onika couldn't help but be marveled at the beautiful decor of the house.

"I'm Beyoncé by the way." the woman said from behind her.

"N-nicki." she replied looking around but making sure not to touch anything.

"So Nicki, what brings you here?" Beyoncé asked skeptically after awhile, seeing as the girl hadn't said anything about why she was here.

"Nowhere t-to go." Nicki mumbled quietly with a shaky voice avoiding eye contact and Beyoncé was sure she woulda missed it, If she wasn't listening intently.

She felt her heart break at the sight of the vulnerable looking girl, anything could've happened to her plus it's raining heavily outside.

"You might wanna change outta those clothes before you catch a cold." Beyoncé spoke concerned.

"Okay." was the reply gave as they both walked up the long spiral staircase and into one of the guestrooms.

"The bathroom is over there and there's a spare toothbrush in there too, I'll lay some pyjamas down for you on the bed." Beyoncé said.

Nicki then walked towards the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Walking into her room Beyoncé pulled out a light pink silk nightgown, "nah" she mumbled putting it back and bringing out a rainbow designed onesie.

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