𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬

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"Hey, you're the new girl right?"

"Yeah.. you could say that." Beyoncé replies glancing up at the girl before her, she wouldn't lie the girl was kinda intimidating "I'm Beyoncé Knowles."

The girl smiles..

"I'm Robyn but I prefer Rihanna.. you were in my math class but I didn't really have a chance to talk to you, since you left out the class as soon as the bell rang."

"Oh.. sorry about that I just figured I'd get to the cafeteria early otherwise it'd have been crowded."

"It's okay, how are you liking this hell hole so far anyways?" Robyn questioned "you probably mustn't like it that much if you're spending your lunch break hauled up in the library."

"I actually like being in the library though.. it's quiet and serene." Beyoncé smiled.

"You sound so much like my friend right now, but you should totally come hang out with us." Robyn offers to which Beyoncé nods.

"Umm.. okay." Beyoncé says as they both got up.

"Come on Beyoncé Knowles, it's time to make some friends."

Beyoncé gets up packing up her book bag and following Robyn out the main building and into a separate building a little bit far from the main one.. Beyoncé could familiarize this as the school's art room, they passed a few classes until Robyn opened one in particular.

It was an empty classroom and looked like it wasn't being used, but it was still clean and really nice.

There was a table sitting in the middle of the room with three other girls sitting at it.

"Hey guys this is Beyoncé." Robyn said announcing her presence "and Beyoncé these are my friends, Lauren, Kelly and Nicki." she said pointing at each one individually.

Two out of the three girls that Robyn had introduced, which Beyoncé recognized as Kelly and Lauren looked up flashing her small smiles, while the other girl just looked down focusing on a book she'd been reading not even bothering to look up.

Beyoncé was offended that the girl hadn't even acknowledged her presence, but she just decided to sum it up to the girl just being shy.

Still it'd have been nice if she at least made an effort.

"So, you're new around here?" Lauren flashes her a warm smile as she sat in the empty chair between her and the Nicki girl.

"Yeah, I just moved here from Houston." Beyoncé smiled.

"I just knew that accent wasn't from around here." Kelly jumped into the conversation.

"So what brought you to New York?" Lauren asked.

"Well.. it was cause of my dad's new job." Beyoncé explains smiling "so.. how long have you all know each other?" She inquired curiously.

"Well, I met Lauren and Kelly in preschool and later on we met Nicki in the third grade." Robyn answered and Beyoncé nods and drums her fingers absentmindedly on the table.

Apparently they seemed like a really close knit group and had known each other from way back, so she was wondering why they'd want to adopt her into the friend group.

"Enough about us, what about you did you have any friends in your former school?" Kelly asks.

"Yeah" Beyoncé says "Megan and Alexis, it's gonna be kinda weird not seeing them everyday, but we promised we'll text each other." Beyoncé says.

Pretty soon the group had gone into their own personal conversations and Beyoncé would just respond with a nod or shake of her head if asked a question.

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