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Onika's pov

I'm sitting down on my chair, and when I tell you this situation is awkward, I mean it.

The woman across from me, I'm not even sure if she's a woman or a child. She's sitting there with a black Barbie doll in her hand and watching Dora the explorer.

Now let me give you a the run down on things cause I'm sure everyone is confused as hell.

My sister Ming is a caregiver but right now, she's on a business trip all the way in Europe and she kept her little, Beyoncé in my care she should be back in the next two months.

I can't last two whole months with this adult baby, I'm highly disgusted and I don't want to say anything hurtful, so as long as she stays out of my way we won't have a problem.

I looked at the clock which read 8.30 p.m, well it's time for bed, I have work tomorrow.

"Beyoncé get up, it's time for bed." I called out already moving in the direction the stairs.

"Okay." she said and stood up following behind me.

I walked towards the guest room where she will be staying for the time being, her things were already inside.

I walked towards the bathroom and turned on the water making sure it wasn't too cold.

"Go take a bath." I said pointing towards the shower hoping she'll get the memo- don't judge me, I don't understand how her brain works.

"You have to bathe me, your sister always does it." she stated like I was just supposed to do it or something.

"No." I said walking out the room, her living with me is already weird enough, but me having to bath her is a huge NO!

I went into my room and took a shower, after which I dressed in a silk pyjama shorts and an oversized t-shirt.

I decided to check up on her before I went to bed...

"Hey, have you...?" I walked into the room seeing her in the exact same spot she was when I left the room.

"Are you gonna bath me?" She asked again tilting her head in await for an answer.

"Fine." I decided to just do what she asks knowing that arguing is not going to get me anywhere, maybe Ming does this weird shit all the time.

I helped her get undressed and let me just tell you her body is banging.
But still, this is weird no matter how hot she looks right now.

I helped her get washed up and dressed her in pink PJs and did her hair in two ponytails and even then she was still holding that damn Barbie.

She hoped in bed, but just when I was about to turn off the lights she spoke up "Can I sleep with you?"

"No." I said then turned off the lights.

*Later that night*

Later that night as I was sleeping, I felt a dip in my bed, I looked over just to find Beyoncé on my bed with her thumb in her mouth.

"What are you doing here?" I asked getting annoyed.

"I scared, I sleep with you." She whispered looking at me.

"Bruh whatever, just don't come over here trying to cuddle and shit." I said turning over the other way.

"Nika, said bad word!" She gasps overdramatically.

"I'm just gonna ignore that nickname, now go to sleep."


"What did I just tell you?" I said feeling myself getting irritated, because one I'm sleepy and two she's acting like she doesn't understand simple english.

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