𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐚𝐥'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 [2]

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"I'm very disappointed in the both of you, I mean seriously a food fight?!" Mrs. Knowles asked disappointment written all over her face.

"Mum but-" Beyonce was trying to say.

"No buts, detention for the both of you and for the rest of the week!" she said.

She was most definitely irritated.

"Now leave my office!"

Once we were out of the office Beyoncé pushed me on the floor.

"You're going to pay for this!" She said irritatedly.

"Mhmm, we'll see about that sweetheart." I replied back trying to sound unfazed but I was most definitely not.

"Argh!!" She screamed and walked away.

I don't like seeing her like this but she needs to know her place, I've put up with this bullshit for far too long.


Day 1. (detention)

I sat down a good enough distance from Beyoncé doing my homework. Her words 'You're going to pay for this!' kept dancing around in my head.

I'm tryna be cautious okay, And plus the teacher, Mr. Elba is not even awake, I swear I don't even know why he hasn't been fired yet, he's rarely ever not asleep.

"Pst pst..!" Beyoncé was trying to get my attention by whispering which by the way she was failing miserably at doing.

"What do you want Beyoncé?"

"I just want to get to know you Nicki."

"First of all, it's Onika to you and second why do you even want to get to know me now, I mean you've been bullying me ever since freshman year, why now?"

"The past thirty minutes, I've been in here has given me time to self reflect okay, and I realize my mistake now." she said with a small smile.

"I don't trust you one bit" I said seriously "..and not especially after what you said yesterday."

"Come on can we not put that behind us?" She asked sincerely.

"No...no we cannot." I shrugged.

"Ok, I'll start first, my name's Beyoncé Knowles, I'm 17 and I love to sing and dance, what about you?" She said completely ignoring my previous statement.

"Did you not just hear what I said? anyways.. I'm Onika Maraj, I'm 16 and I love to rap, if that's all you can leave me alone now, please and thank you." I replied and continued to do my homework.

I don't see what's the point in making friends with someone in here and in the outside world, she's gonna treat me like shit.

Day 3 (detention)

The past few days Beyoncé, has been trying to talk to me and make me her friend, but I'm not having it.

And I've come up with three possible reasons for her change in behavior.

1. She's being brainwashed.
2. She's had a change of heart-which I highly doubt!
3. She's not the real Beyoncé.

I was snapped out of my trance by Beyoncé.. again.

"What do you want this time." I ask frustratedly.

"To be friends." she replied back with a stupid ass grin on her face.

"Why can't you just leave me alone, it is because of you, I'm in here right now, what else do you want, you know it's things like this that make people look very suspicious." I said frustratedly.

"To be friends, okay I'll openly admit, I've been a bitch, these past few years. I mean come on we used to be best friends or did you forget." She said with a longing smile.


Yes, it's true we used to be best friends all of elementary and middle school but once we got to high she just changed completely.

"No I did not forget." I said looking at before shaking my head of all the stupid thoughts of freshman year were it all ended.

"I was in the wrong, I started hanging out with the wrong crowd and I guess we sorta just drifted apart." she mumbles guiltily.

"Is that it or is there more to why you would just up and leave our friendship like it was nothing?"

"Ok it's just that I-"

"You what?"

"I-I liked you okay and I was scared that you didn't feel the same way so I just-"

"You just what, you thought bullying me was the best option, instead of talking it out."

"I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry." she said with tears streaming down her face.

"I thought if I stopped our friendship, my feelings for you would leave, but it only made it stronger."

I went and hugged her, it wasn't awkward it was actually oddly comforting.

"I like you too"

And who would think a little talking it out would end a long feud and start something new.


* and scene *
Trash, I know. sorry about that but anyways moving on......
Sorry about the double update, I lost my drafts.
But no need to worry I will post it before the end of tomorrow.

- Author 🌈🍹

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