𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝

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Beyoncé sat on the park bench as usual as this was her every day routine, she'd always used this as an escape from her home life.

Her always drunken father, and her barely ever present mother.. this, this right here was peace.

But her peace was soon disturbed as the sounds of screaming rung in her ear, her first intuition being to ignore it, it wasn't her business anyways..

"Freak!" "You dirty slut!" "Piece of shit!"

But her curiosity got the better of her as she looked in the direction of where the yelling was coming from..

She could literally feel her blood boil at the sight, a girl had sat still on the floor as she was surrounded by a bunch of other teenage girls.

"Stop.. please!" The sound of a fist colliding with skin made Beyoncé quickly get up heading in the direction of where this was happening.

"What the fuck are y'all doing?!" She screamed at the girls but they didn't let up, just rolled their eyes..

"This is none of your concern!" One of the girls said stepping up to her but was soon taken aback at the harsh blow to her face.

"Well I'm making it my concern, get the fuck on!" The girl scoffed walking away as her little minions followed suit.

Beyoncé looked over at the girl who was on the floor, she had blood dripping down her nose and looked at Beyoncé with nothing but fear in her eyes.

"Please don't hurt me!" the girl mumbled with her eyes trained to the floor.

"I'm not gonna do that, I promise." she said kneeling a little to get on eye level with the girl.

"We need to clean that up." She said pointing towards her nose, slightly wincing a little as the girl looked up at her and sure enough was sporting a black eye.


"You live nearby?" She asked standing upright dusting her knees a little before reaching her hands out, the smaller girl hesitantly taking it in hers before Beyoncé then pulled her up.

The girl didn't answer but instead pointed at a house opposite the park, Beyoncé nodding.

"Let's go." Beyoncé said making the girl raise her brow a little in question.

"I'm not letting you walk home alone, so let's go." The girl nodded taking Beyoncé's hand in hers, surprising the taller girl a little.


Nicki opened the door as they stood on the front porch, dragging Beyoncé in with her..

"Oni— what the hell?! Where have you been?!" The sound of a woman yelling became louder as she approached the door.

Nicki didn't say anything as she kept her eyes trained to the floor, "And who the fuck is this?!"

"I'm be-"

"I wasn't asking you! Onika Tanya Maraj who is this, you've gone slutting yourself out and even have the audacity to bring one home?!" The woman said glaring at the young girl.

"No- I.."

The woman didn't even wait for a reply but just scoffed walking away.

Beyoncé just stood there stunned, and she taught her own mother was an asshole.

The girl she now knows as Onika squeezed her hand a little tighter, leading her up the stairs..

"S-sorry about that." Nicki said as soon as she opened the door of her room.

"Is she always like that?"

"N-not all the time, j-just when I do something bad." Nicki mumbled walking towards her conjoined bathroom pulling out her first aid box and set it on the bed.

"Wait lemme help you with that." Beyoncé said walking closer opening up the first aid box, as Nicki took a seat on the bed.

"I'm Beyoncé by the way." she introduced suddenly remembering she hadn't done that since..


"Onika right I heard it downstairs, but you won't mind if I call you Nika right?"

"No it's nice and I'll call you... Umm.. bey bey." Nicki smiles as Beyoncé uses a cloth to dab at the blood dripping from her nose.

"What was up with those girls from earlier?" Beyoncé asks the question that'd been on her mind for awhile.

"Yeah, they been bullying me since the video leaked."

"Which video?"

"Umm.. the one were her boyfriend did some stuff to me, they think I did it to ruin her relationship but I didn't, h-he drugged and r-raped me but no one wants to believe me, they think I'm a slut but I'm not." By now the tears had already started flowing down her cheeks.

"Even my own m- mother doesn't believe me, my friends all left, and I just.."

Beyoncé just sighed and she thought her life was fucked up.

"I believe you."

"You don't have to say that, y-you don't even know me like that."

"I may not know you but I've known you long enough to know you wouldn't do something like that." Beyoncé smiled a little putting all the stuff back into the first aid box.

"Thanks, it means a lot to me." Nicki smiles a little wiping off the few tear streaks on her face.

Beyoncé didn't say anything as they just looked at each other for awhile.

"So.. so you wanna be my new friend?" Nicki asked sheepishly.

She'd been friendless for months now and it was driving her nuts.

Yes. She was sad about her friends basically abandoning her in her time of need, she really thought they were her real friends.

But I guess she was just wrong, but now it was like God himself had sent an angel from heaven to make things a little better in her messed up life and she sure as hell wasn't gonna let that opportunity pass up on her like that.

"Yeah sure, I could really use a friend." Beyoncé chuckled a little Nicki following suit.


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