𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐍𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐫 [2]

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Beyoncé hadn't heard from Onika over a week after their last encounter. It was all nice for the first few days, but she's gotta admit she did kinda miss Onika's always happy self.


Beyonce decided to be mean and I can't always be friendly with everyone so I decided to just leave her be.

I know she'll come running back, I mean who can resist me. I know I'm corny so what?

"Honey, can you help me go grocery shopping?" my mom asked as I walked into the kitchen to grab me some water.

"Okay." I replied back with a sigh.

I was walking back home when, I'd seen Beyoncé's mean ass self sitting on her front porch.

"Onika!" She called over to me, but I just kept walking and ignored her. Now she knows my name. p.s I'm rolling my eyes.

"Onika!" She called again and again and again but I ignored her and kept walking home, If she wants to be petty then so can I.


I can't believe she just ignored me like that, I mean I know I started it but still..... ugh whatever.

Throughout the week Onika has been ignoring me and I've been ignoring her as well.

I know we're both being petty but I'm not about to let her have the satisfaction of me actually apologising to her.

I was walking down the school hallway when I felt soft hands pull me into the schools janitors closet.

"What the-!" I couldn't finish my sentence cause my lips were covered by Onika's hands.

"Shush.... I pulled you in here so we can talk." She said.

Well doesn't she know I can't do that with her perfectly manicured hands restricting my speech?

"Now, I noticed that you've been ignoring me lately like I have been doing to you too and actually I find our situation quite stupid and childish." She said before taking her hands off my lips.

"Tell me about it." I said rolling my eyes.

"Chile, stop rolling your eyes cause, I'm being damn serious about what I'm saying right now." She said sounding irritated.

"Ok, so what should we do about it.." I said.

Honestly I don't really care, I tried to be nice to her once and she upright ignored me, what else does she want?

"Can we at least try to be cordial with each other, if not friends?"

"Okay, we can try to be cordial."

With that she walked out of the janitors closet, I walked out not long after.


These past few weeks have been awesome with Beyoncé not completely tuning me out and ignoring me, we've been hanging out a lot.


I pulled up my audi to the front of Onika's house waiting for her to come out and to say I was nervous would be an understatement.

I've started developing a not so small crush on Onika, like I mean who wouldn't from that fat ass to her cute ass dimples, even her very weird laugh.

And when she came out, oh my my, her beauty nearly knocked the air out my lungs.

"Hey." I smiled trying to play it cool.

"Hi." She smiles back, then I came down and opened the door for her.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome."

The amusement park was the most fun, I've had in awhile, but I'm not so sure for onika, she was basically scared of almost all the rides, but all in all it was fun.

"Thank you, I really did have a great time." She said when I was about to drop her off at home.

"Me, too and I was kinda hoping we could do that more often."

"Of course." she replied.

After that she gave me a peck on my lips which was so unexpected and walked inside, I couldn't help the blush that made it's way to my cheeks.

"Oh gawd" I mumble to myself, this was going to be one hell of a friendship......or maybe more.

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