𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦 44 [2]

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Onika woke up bright and early the next day, got into her baby, otherwise known as her baby pink Chevrolet Silverado.

She decided to stop at a McDonald's first before getting to work, she got something for herself and something for Beyoncé too.

It's probably been a long time since she'd eaten anything other than the disgusting food served in the institution, plus it wasn't against the rules to get stuff for the patients.

She parked her car in the parking lot, getting down and getting her things out the car, walking into the building she was greeted by Lauren who was the friendly lady at the reception.

"Good morning." She smiled signing in.

"Morning, you were asked to visit the supervisors office."

"Okay." Nicki said feeling nervous wondering what it was he had to tell her.

Did she do something wrong? Was she going to be transferred again? Or was this about the fight that went down the day prior?

She got in the elevator, pressing the button for the third floor, waiting patiently she couldn't help but tap her fingers on her bag anxiously, soon the elevator doors dinged and she got out making way for a few other nurses to walk in.

She walked towards the supervisors door, knocking twice hearing a faint 'come in' making her open the door walking in.

"You called for me?" She inquired, as the superviser Mr.Elba stopped typing on his laptop, putting down his glasses.

"Please have a seat." he ordered, Nicki did what she was told taking a sit on the one opposite his, "you're the new nurse for Beyoncé, isn't it?" Nicki nodded.

"Well, it has come to my knowledge that Beyoncé was involved in a physical altercation with a fellow patient at the dining hall yesterday, and she needs to learn her lesson so she won't be allowed out of her room for the next two weeks except when necessary, same goes for the other patient too.

Starting from today she'll eat in her room and do any therapeutic activities in there too."

Nicki sighed relieved that it wasn't anything to harsh.

"Noted, Sir." She said nodding.

"That's all, you may leave now, make sure to tell her and make her understand the consequences she was given." He said.

Nicki only nodded standing up to leave the room.

Nicki went to her office, to go pick up her clipboard and a few other things she'd need.

"Hey, what did the supervisor say?" Megan asked.

"Nothing important, just that Beyoncé isn't allowed to leave her room for awhile." Nicki said as she wrote something on her note.

"So, that means you're gonna spend more time in her room, well.. be careful, that girls stares give me chills." Megan said shivering a little for emphasis.

"It's not nothing I can't handle." Nicki chuckled picking up her clipboard "well I guess I'll see you around lunch?"


Nicki then bid her goodbye to Megan, heading for Beyoncé's room, she knocked on the door before coming in.

Not getting a reply,....as expected.

Beyoncé was sitting in the exact same position she saw her sitting in the day before.

"Hey..." Nicki said trying to get her attention.

"You're late." Beyoncé said not even turning back to look at her.

"Speaking of that, I had a talk with Mr. Elba, and you won't be allowed to go out for a while as consequences for your earlier behavior but don't worry we can still have lots of fun in here." Nicki said smiling.


Then there was a moment of awkward silence around the room for a moment or two.

"O-oh yeah, I remember I bought this for us, I can tell how disgusting the food here is so, I bought us something.... a lot more edible." Nicki said bringing out the bag from chic-fil-a.

"Let's share." Nicki said picking up a fry holding it up to Beyoncé's mouth.

But she refused to open it, "come on, open up. I know it's been awhile since you tried this." Nicki said pouting.

Beyoncé only sighed in defeat opening up, but only cause her nurse looked so freaking adorable, but she wasn't ever gonna admit that.

After silently eating, they both soon finished the food that had been bought, and it was just a wave of awkward silence surrounding the room.

"So, Beyoncé how did you end up here?" Nicki asked first breaking the silence.

Beyoncé sighed deeply breathing through her nose, "why don't you just ask all your friends? you know the juicy gossip."

"Well.. I want to know you personally, see things from your own point of view.. If I ask them they'd just say the bad stuff about you."

"You got that part right.. I am bad."

"If you'd just co-operate, I could get you outta here, you'd be free." Nicki said and Beyoncé stared at her more like glaring.

"Too bad you're not getting anything from me."

Nicki heaved a sigh, dropping her clipboard.

"This may sound crazy or weird, but I just wanna be friends okay, forget I'm your nurse just think of me as an old friend—"

"Yeah that does sound crazy, thank you but no, I don't want to be friends with you" Beyoncé spoke in a cold voice.

"Ok, what about this..if I tell you something about myself you can tell me something too, it doesn't have to be too deep, just anything at all."


"Uhh..where do I start from, my name is Onika. I'm 23 and I live with my two dogs- Barbie and Chun."

Then there was silence.

With Nicki looking at Beyoncé expectingly waiting for her to say something...

"Fine.. I'm not insane to even be here, cause I really am not."


I'm done with part two and there ain't no part three to it, cause I feel like if I were to keep writing this, it'd probably turn to a 15 part book

And I ain't ready for that... But I hope you liked the chapter

Have a good day/night

Love y'all ❣️

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