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Ominiscent pov

"I don't wanna go!" Ten year old Beyoncé screamed kicking her legs in her seat.

"Can you stop?! You're going and that's final!" Her mom said momentarily glancing backwards at the child throwing a tantrum before focusing her eyes back on the road.

"BB, why don't you wanna go to camp, it's gonna be sooo much fun!" Her sister exclaimed happily.

"Solange can you just shut up?!" She muttered angrily looking out the window as they passed by many trees.

"That's no way to speak to your sister, now say sorry!" Celestine scolded.

"Sorry." she mumbled training her eyes out the window.

She really didn't want to have to go to a stupid camp for a whole two months.

For her it was going to be absolutely terrifyingly boring, she'd much rather spend her two months of summer vacation, going skating or to the park with her friends.

Rather than making camp fires and sleeping in cabins with a bunch of people she didn't even know.

She hadn't even realized it when they had pulled up at the camp.

She and her sister both got out of the car taking out their belongings before kissing their mother goodbye on the cheek.

Hers a little more begrudgingly than that of her sister.

She walked to the cabin she'd be staying at for the next two months, her sister's cabin was different from hers as they we're not in the same age group.

She walked into the log made cabin, seeing two other girls already there.

The place scented of dew and log, and she'd much rather be anywhere else than here.

"Hey!" The two other girls said in unison as they saw her walk in to the cabin.

They seem very social. Beyoncé thought putting down her suitcase on the only empty bed in the room.

There were a total of three beds in there so she was assuming they were already complete.

"Hey." she mumbled back, sitting on her bed.

"My name's Robyn but most people call me Rihanna.." one of the girls said.

"..And my name's Amala." the other slightly short girl said.

Beyoncé only nodded as response.

"So what's your name?" Robyn asked sitting on her bed.


"We have a while to go before dinner, so we can get to know each other!" Amala exclaimed excitedly, liking the idea of making new friends.

At this point they were all sitting on their individual beds facing each other.

"I'll go first!, My name is Amala. I'm 9 years old. I love singing and rapping and I wanna make lots of friends here." Amala smiles.

"I'm next! My name's Robyn. I'm 11 years old. Originally from Barbados. I love make up and yeah..that's about it."

After that they waited for Beyoncé to say something about herself, but she only stared back at them.

"What?" She asked.

"It's your turn." Amala said.

"My name's Beyoncé, and I don't wanna be here right now!" Beyoncé said.

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